A despatch from Twin, dated yesterday, stales that a denial
has been given there to the statement that the squadron of Admiral Person° had commenced and suspended firing on the Royalists near Gaeta. The news of a mysterious expedition under the command of General Turr has been declared to be a pure invention.
The French Government having, since the removal of its Minister from Turin, declared that it withdrew its protection from Sardinian sub- jects in the Roman States, Mr. Newton, her Britannic MajeAty's Consul at Rome, has received instructions to take them under his official pro- tection.
Don Juan de Borlimi, the Spanish pretender, has had the audacity to send a despatch to the Court of furin, renouncing on the part of that branch of the family any claim on the throne of Naples, universal suffrage being part of the modern law of nations and his own hope of succession to the throne of Madrid being based on that contingency. Ile taunts the Pope and the late Bomba with having superseded the kyitimate claim of Don Carlos by recognition of the Regent Christina claiming in right of national election, as contradistinguished from the now exploded theory of vested
right in dynasties. .