Only a limited amount of business has been passing this week in Home Securities, Consols again closing as at the opening, 92i 93, for both Money and Account. There have been several withdrawals of bullion from the Bank, but none of any importance; there was consequently less apprehen- sion that the Bank Directors would raise the rate from its present figure, 4
per cent. Money has averaged 2 per cent in the open Market, the demand having greatly decreased, although preparations for the 4th of the month have been going on for some days. -The chief topic of discussion was (up
to yesterday) the non-arrival of the China telegram, upon which all kinds of
rumours were founded. Yesterday was a closed day on the Stock Exchange, or it is probable there would have been a rise in Stocks, upon the first an-
nouncement of the taking of the 'fake. Forts ; today the matter has been digested, and, strange to say, the news is not considered good; at anyrate Consols are very heavy, and have every appearance of still lower quotations. India Stock marks, 220k; the Five per Cent is quoted, 102/ 103k; Re- duced and New Three per Cents, 911 911; Exchequer Bills, 3 die par ; Bank Stock, 230 233.
Foreign Stocks have been tolerably active all the week, and most prices have experienced some change. Mexican Bonds are dull and drooping at
22 221; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents steady, 94 90; Ditto Three
per Cents, 73 74; The Uribarren Four-and-a-half per Cents and the Dollar Bonds both stationary, 83 84; Venezuela Stock is better, and is quoted firm for the Three per Cents, 22 23; and the One-and-a-half per Cent, 11 12;
Grenada Active, 16 17; Ditto Deferred, 51 6; Brazilian, 871 881; Sar-. dinian, 85 86; Victor Emmanuel, 96 97. A good deal of business has
taken place in Turkish Stocks, in which an important improvement has been established during the last few days upon the statement of a rise of as much as 25 per cent in the internal debt. The Old Six per Cents are now,
71 711; and the New Ditto, 581 581; Russian quiet, 103 105; Spanish Three per Cents, 481 49; Ditto Deferred, 391 40; Ditto Certificates, 61 61; Chilian Six per Cents, 102 104.
There have also been some important variations in the Railway Share Market, quotations at the close showing, a decided decline upon last week. South Eastern and Dover advanced in the early part, but afterwards drooped from 851 851 to 84i 85; London and Brighton, 113 115; Midland has likewise especially declined, the latest figures for the New Account being 1331 1331; Great Western, 711 72; London and North-Western,
1001 1001 Lancashire and Yorkshire dull at 1171 117k; London and South-Western, 1.41 95 ; Great Northern, 1131 1141 ; and the A Stock, 1151 1161; London, Chatham, and Dover, 50 S'; Chester and Holyhead, 42 43; North British, 621 621; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee 30 30k; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 46 461. During the settling this week, rates of Contaugo continued very good. The tone this afternoon is some- what better.
In the Indian and French Markets there has been little doing, but prices have slightly advanced. Lombardo-Venetian, die.; Paris and Lyons, 36 37; Paris and Strasbourg, 241 251; Northern of France, 38 39; Luxem-
bourg, 6l 61; East Indian, 99t ; Great Indian Peninsula, 961 961 ; Madras, -951 96 ; Bombay and Baroda, 93 94; Grand Trunk of Canada Shares, 2324.
A call of 751. per share was made on Wednesday by Vice-Chancellor Kindersley upon the shareholders of Colonel Waugh's London and Eastern BanKing Corporation. This call is in addition to a previous one of 100/. per share.
The Shoreditch Bank, a private firm trading as Robert Davies and Co., stopped payment on Friday. Their liabilities are estimated at 140,0001., but more than 10s. in the pound is not expected. The firm have since been declared bankrupts.
A notice appears in the Gazette of Tuesday containing a decree assimi- lating the Neapolitan Tariff to the Tariff' in force in the Sardinian States, with the exception of the duties on the following articles of import—nitre, yarn, cotton, wool, woven goods, paper for printing, pasteboard blotting or packing, glass, tobacco. In exports, olive ell and rags are excepted. There is also an addition of 10 per cent upon the whole of the duties over the Sar- dinian tariff.
It is now definitively mentioned that the estate of Senhor Mello e Souza, the great Brazilian cattle-dealer, who lately stopped for 500,0001., is to be wound up under a compromise, which guarantees payment in full in instal- ments spread over three years and nine inoi.ths. Nothing of an official character has transpired regarding the intention of the Government to use the power taken. in August last for contracting a new
Indian loan of 3,000,0001., and some persona doubt if the matter is to be brought forward at this moment. The intentions of the Government with regard to the requirements for the China war will probably be dependent on the tenour of the telegram now expected regarding the result of the attack on the Taku forts.