Kirkwall, 26th October, 1860. Brit-In the last number of your admirable paper, October 20th, the ascent of the interior of the statue of San Carlo Borromeo, at Arena, on the Lego Maggiore, is spoken of as a feat of some difficulty, and as being im- practicable for ordinary mortals. If so, it must have become more difficult of late years, as I perfectly recollect ascending it without difficulty or danger of any kind more than forty years ago (in the summer of 1819), along with a friend, when we seated ourselves side by side in the nose. Any one who is curious to examine for himself the structure, so well described in your article, need -not be deterred by any apprehension as to its being a feat in the same category with crossing a glacier or ascending Mont Blanc. I am, Sir, your obedient servant,