Balfour, Vivian, and Jens. Arranged by F. W. Heleey. (Funk
and Wegnalle. Os. net.)—This interesting little volume is a record of the Allied Missions to America in the spring and early summer of this year, with an account of the reception of the American -forces in England and France. The excellent speeches made by Mr. Balfour and M. Viviani are reported at length, and the enthusiastic receptions accorded to the Allied representatives wherever they went are well described in extracts from leading American journals. The visit of the British and French Commissioners to Washington's home at Mount Vernon—"it was the first time that a British flag had been raised over Washington's tomb "—was an historic episode more significant even in its final effacement of bygone quarrels than the visit of General Pershing to the Invalides, where he was per- mitted to grasp Napoleon's sword, which no man had touched for seventy years.