3 NOVEMBER 1917, Page 13


OUR Italian Allies have sustained a grave and unexpected reverse in the Julian Alps en their eastern front. Ten days ago they were holding tho whole Isonzo line—except round Tolmino—well within Austrian territory. To-day they are in full retreat towards the Tagliamento, thirty or forty miles west of their frontier. The strong positions on the lofty Bainsizza and Carso plateaux which they had won in two years of strenuous fighting have been evacuated, as well as Gorizia. Tha enemy in his Min has invaded Italy and occupied the important town of Udine. It is a tragic reversal of a situation which up to ten days ago seemed most promising. Happily the defeat is by no means irretrievable. Great Britain and France are close at hand, and both can and will lend immediate aid. We could not send troops to the help of Rumania or Serbia, but we can speedily assist the Italians in their hour of need. We shall do our best, as General Smuts said on Monday, to defend Italy, and we shall stand by her to the end.