3 NOVEMBER 1979, Page 17


To say we fell about (journalists' jargon) when reading Richard West's article on 'Secrecy and corruption' (6 October) is an understatement! It is obvious that he is a most gullible chap if he believes everything that anyone tells him — after all, we don't believe everything we read in the Spectator — now. If only he could have overcome his paranoia for a few minutes and telephoned us before committing himself to print, we would have promised not to be misleading, secretive or a nuisance and would have told him without hesitation that Camden's press and public relations division employs three information offic ers and four back-up staff (not 14 PROs and their salaries average £4,847 p.a. (a far cry from £9,000).

Never mind, he was only 50 per cent out with his guesswork regarding Cam den; maybe he was more accurate with the rest of the article.

Beryl Scott Smith Senior Information Officer, Camden Council, 16 Greville Lodge, Woodside Park Road, London N12