To say we fell about (journalists' jargon) when reading Richard West's article on 'Secrecy and corruption' (6 October) is an understatement! It is obvious that he is a most gullible chap if he believes everything that anyone tells him — after all, we don't believe everything we read in the Spectator — now. If only he could have overcome his paranoia for a few minutes and telephoned us before committing himself to print, we would have promised not to be misleading, secretive or a nuisance and would have told him without hesitation that Camden's press and public relations division employs three information offic ers and four back-up staff (not 14 PROs and their salaries average £4,847 p.a. (a far cry from £9,000).
Never mind, he was only 50 per cent out with his guesswork regarding Cam den; maybe he was more accurate with the rest of the article.
Beryl Scott Smith Senior Information Officer, Camden Council, 16 Greville Lodge, Woodside Park Road, London N12