Lordship of the Manor
Sir: In an article, Mind your manors! (9 June) your correspondent, John Martin Robinson, refers to a ruling by the Adver- tising Standards Authority (ASA) in re- spect of the promotion of lordships of the manor for sale. It states that the auctioning of manors is conducted by Bernard Thorpe and Partners, but that 'the actual business of soliciting manors for sale is largely the work of two commercial organisations', including The Manorial Society of Great Britain through its subsidiary Manorial Records.
Mr Robinson's contributuon might give the impression that the Manorial Society has been rebuked by the ASA. It has not, nor have any of its 'subsidiaries'. The society has never worked with Bernard Thorpe and Partners. The ASA ruling was against claims apparently made by Bernard Thorpe and Partners in auction catalogues which that firm has agreed with the author- ity to correct in the future.
Robert Smith
Chairman, The Manorial Society of Great Britain, 104 Kennington Road, London SEll