The Polish affair does not advance. We publish this week
an account of the recent scenes in Warsaw, fall of local knowledge and trustworthy information, but even General Berg seems unable to break the spell which hangs on the Western Powers. Rumours are current in Paris that Earl Russell has proposed to the Governments of Austria and France to declare the Russian tenure of Poland no longer legal. The Czar, having broken the Treaty of Vienna, his possession of Poland, which is based on that treaty, is thence- forward only deface°. This announcement tallies with a hint in Earl Russell's speech at Blairgowrie, the Foreign Minister saying, "I merely wished you to remark the fact that these conditions which are contained in the Treaty of Vienna, by which Russia obtained the kingdom of Poland, have not been complied with; and that, without the conditions of the tenure, the title itself can hardly be upheld." But Russia, however, will care little for a notice which merely throws her back on the bayonet. She is using tbat already.