Later, during the discussion of another paper on the same
sub- ject, Mr. Barry, the working-man's candidate for Marylebone at the last election, talked the same sort of wild nonsense which some of the Italian and Swiss delegates talked at the recent International Working - Men's Congress at Brussels. " That great Association," said Mr. Barry, "would not cease its -work till it had abolished not only the employed class, but all privileged and distinct classes. They sought to establish the equality of man as the only basin of humanity. The working - classes ought to be the masters of the world. Theirs, and theirs only, were the fruits of the earth. Federalisation of all the workers of the world was the • one end at which they aimed, as it was only with it that the working-classes could dictate the conditions of their existence." Mr. Barry then went on to denounce the last Trades' Congress at Sheffield, as guilty of the deepest treachery in not accepting and carrying out these views. One sees at once that it is the federalisation not of all the workers of the world, but of the tall-talking workers of the world, and of them only, that Mr. Barry approves. But he was useful in his sphere at Glasgow. The true English working- men were confirmed in their contempt for this inimitable nonsense.