[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sra,—The withdrawal of the right to stand in buses and trams during the so-called "rush hours" is not to many people such an unmitigated evil as your correspondent, Mr. Botsford, finds it.
This "piece of contemptible Pruss_ ianism '.' has been 'welcomed by many, and the objections raised against it knight easily be overruled were the authorities concerned to adopt the system of numbers for persons waiting for omnibuses now prevalent in Paris. The bunches of numbered and detachable slips, attached to lamp-posts where the omnibuses slop, ensure priority of boarding the omnibus to those who have been waiting the longest, and thus the awful scramble and crush which now prevail are obviated. By this method each bus is filled to its seating capacity and there are neither the overcrowded nor the half empty buses which are seen so