3 OCTOBER 1925, Page 27


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—It is just a year since an appeal was launched for the removal and re-establishment in North Kensington of the Children's Hospital and Dispensary established in Church Street, Kensington, in 1840. The sum asked for was 280,000 to erect and eq-lip in a district where it is much needed an up- to-date fifty bed hospital for children with an out-patient department open to women as well as children, and to provide the nucleus of a maintenance fund. The response to our appeal has enabled us to buy and pay for an eminently suitable site, and we have sufficient funds in hand to build our first objective, the out-patient department. But the full efficiency of the out-patient department cannot be attained without one ward for urgent cases, and to enable us to proceed with the second section of our plan, including this ward, we are in urgent and immediate need of £25,000.

A Kensington resident, who has already given to the fund, has promised that he will increase his contribution to 25,000 conditionally on further sums amounting to not less than £20,000 being subscribed before December 31st, 1925. I appeal very earnestly to all lovers of children to enable us to secure this gift, which will amount to over £4,000, by sub- scribing the necessary £20,000 within the next few weeks, Our anonymous friend has generously undertaken in the event of the full amount of 120,000 not being subscribed by December 31st to add 15 per cent. to all sums (not previously promised) received between October 1st and December 31st.

I trust that this offer will stimulate many to come to our assistance, and that the New Year will find us in a position to carry out a scheme which will insure improved health for many generations of children. Cheques and postal orders made payable to the Hospital Re-establishment Committee, and sent to the Town Hall, Kensington, will be gratefully acknow-

ledged.—! am, Sir, &c., BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH,

Hon. Treasurer.