WHERE HANNIBAL PASSED. By Arthur Rivers Bonus.
- (Methuen. is. 6d. net.).
Mn. BONUS identifies Hannibal's Pass with the Col de Malaure, 'and in this little book, which is illustrated by excellent photii.- 'graphs, he brings forward ingenious arguments, mainly topo-,' 'graphical, in support of his conclusion. From personal in.spee',. tion he is convinced that none of the other possible passes *answers to the descriptions' given by Polybius and Livy. The ground of Professor Spenser Wilkinson's objection to thia identification he regards as true but irrelevant. Perhaps tbe greatest difficulty in accepting' the author's theory is that it assumes that Hannibal was ableto cover twenty-two miles it day in fairly level country, and about fourteen miles a day in the mountains.