3 OCTOBER 1925, Page 40


' The Wildings. By Richmal Crompton. (Hodder tmd Stoughton. 7s. 6d. net.)Antothet success Must be put to Miss Crompton's account for her novel-The WildingS, which gives a most attractive account of a large middle-class family. The different personages become as well known to the reader in the qourse of the book as though :they. were real acquaint- ances, and the character of David, who leaves Hi-Atwood and the book shop, of which the family business consists, for a literary career in London, is specially well developed. His return to shop and family when he finds that his talent is only second-rate and that his presence is essential at Boltwood is well and convincingly described. Clare Wilding, David's favourite sister, is charmingly sketched, but in view of her character her elopement is hardly credible. The Wildings gives an admirable picture of everyday people and life.