The day before yesterday
Sir: Is it not sad that Thames iv in an hour- long programme on one of our greatest states- men—and certainly one greatest foreign secre- tary in modern times—can produce many critics to speak against him and only one of his friends? Even the treacherous Dulles was pain- ted in favourable colours—and to drag in Enoch Powell to imply that Butler and Mac- millan were vying for the leadership during his absence abroad convalescing, was patent non- sense—as indeed Lord Butler made clear later in the programme. They also grossly misin- terpreted his fears for the Middle East. These —as anyone who knew him well at that time could have told the producer—were not based on a personal antipathy towards Nasser (or not at any rate until after he illegally seized the Canal) but on a very real and subsequently justified fear of the spread of communism in the Middle East.