The following notice was issued from the Bank of England on Thursday-
,. The Governor and C,ompauy of the Bank of England are ready, until further notice. to receive applications for loans upon the deposits of approved bills of exchange uot haviug more than six months to run. Exchequer Bills. and East India Bonds ; such loans to be repaid on or before the 20th October next, with interest at the rate of 31 per cent per annum, and for sums of not less than 2,0001. each."
This notice does not in any degree differ from those usually given at the shutting of the books for the Dividends, except in the rate of interest charged upon the loans being 34 instead of 4 per cent ; a change for which our recent observations will have prepared our readers. The next step will of course be to reduce the rate of discount to 34 per cent; and we have little doubt that it will be farther reduced to 3 per cent. The tendency to improve- ment in the English Funds has been checked by the operations of the Broker for the Scotch Banks, who sold very largely at the beginning of the week, and has thus thrown a large quantity of stock upon the market. Tinder the pressure thus occasioned, prices generally gave way from * to per cent ; and were at that depression yesterday, when the issue of the Bank notice caused an im- provement of* per cent. The publication of the summary of the news brought by the Indian mail caused the prices to recede again to nearly the whole extent of the rise. Today the market is rather firmer ; and after being steady all day, the closing quotations are 4 to 4 per cent lower than those of last Saturday. There has not been any material change in the value of Bank Stock. India Stock is lower ; being quoted today at 250 for Account. The premium upon Exchequer Bills is the same. In the Foreign Market, Mexican Bonds have been depressed to 34; again recovered to 354; and after falling to 34, close this afternoon at 344 35. During the last few days, some very extensive sales of this description of se- curity have occurred ; and as these operations were not traceable to any poli- tical cause, the fact of their occurrence has occasioned considerable surprise, particularly as the sales themselves have been very extensiv:, frequently to the amount of 40,000/. to 50,000/. on the same day. It is, however, now asserted, that the sales so made have been on the behalf of members of the Society of Friends, who have lost largely by corn-speculations, and are thus forced to.dis- pose of other property to meet their liabilities. This solution of the enigma is the more probable as the sales have been all made by one broker, who, although not of the Society himself, has very extensive connexions among them. The loss upon the foreign corn in bond previous to the last tall in the average, during the last two months, may be roughly stated at about 1,000,0001.; and if any large portion of that loss falls upon the holders of Mexican Bonds, it affords an easy solution of the extensive sales above referred to. Spanish Stock has been tolerably steady. Active Bonds are no longer quoted as such, having become converted into Bonds with Coupons from 1st May 1841, and Three per Cents. The price of the latter is 16, and that of the Three per Cents about 20—equivalent to a quotation of the old Active Stock of 20*; as will be seen by the following statement-
1,020 Five per Cent with Coupons, from 1st May 1841, at 16 £163 4 0 204 Three per Cents. being the amount of ditidends upon 1,020 1,020 Five per Cent with Coupons, from 1st May 1841, at 16 £163 4 0 204 Three per Cents. being the amount of ditidends upon 1,020 Active Stock, now converted into Three per Cents, at 20 40 16 0 Add 4* per cent, behig three dividends upun the above amount of Three per Cents 9 3 8 Making the value of 1,020 old Active Stock .£213 3 8
Or 20*, as above stated. Portuguese Bonds have risen 1 per cent; and there is now a demand for Three per Cents, which have been done today at 204; but a small quantity of this Stock is at present in existence, as, from the recent demand for Converted Stock, a very extensive conversion of it has taken place. The other Foreign Funds are without any material alteration. The only topic of interest in the market for Railway Shares has been the disappointment experienced by the holders of Blackwell Shares, by the non- payment of a dividend. It appears from the report presented to the general meeting on Monday, that the surplus profit for the half-year ending 30th June was under 1,500L—too small to allow of division. The facts contained in the report occasioned considerable surprise; for as a dividend of 10s. per Share was paid out of the profits of the last half-year, and the traffic of the Railway has been continually increasing, it was naturally expected that some division of profits would have been made at the late meeting. The absence of such division is accounted for by the increased expenditure, and the error of omitting some heavy charges upon the last half-year's profits, which are charged upon that just ended. The error thus committed has been a fatal one for the shareholders; many of whom were induced by the fact of the declaration of a dividend in February last to purchase Shares at 12/., which are now between 71. and 81. Smarmy, TWELVE O'CLOCK.
There was an advance in Consols at the opening of the market of 4 per cent ; but the price subsequently declined to the closing quotation of yester- day, owing to the unfavourable news from India, now fully detailed in the papers of this day. Consols for Money, 924 4; Ditto for the Account, 921 1; New Three-and-a-half per Cents, 1014. Exchequer Bills, (24d.,) 51 to 53. India Bonds, 36. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock comes * per cent lower from Paris, but it has had no effect here, and all the prices are nominally the same as yesterday ; Spanish Active, ex Coupons, 16 to 4; ditto Three per Cents, 20 to 4; Brazilian, 644 54; Belgian, 1014 24; Colombian, 20* 4; Mexican, 344 5*; Portuguese Regency Five per Cents, 344 5; ditto New Five per Cents, 294; ditto Three per Cents, 204 1 ; Russian, 1124 ; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 52* 4.
Nothing particular in the way of variation has occurred in the English Market, and Consols leave off at 924 for Money and 93 for the Account. New Three-and-e,half per Cents, 101 A. Exchequer Bills, 51 53; ditto at 2d., 49 51. India. Bonds, 36. The Foreign Funds have exhibited no symptoms of business, and prices are rite nominal. Brazilian, 644 5*; Belgian, 1016 24; Colombian, 204 1; Mexicali, 344 5*; Danish, 834 44; Portuguese Regency Five per Cents, 344 5; New Five per Cent ditto, 29 i; ditto Three per Cents, 204 1; Dutch Two- and-a-half per Cents, 5241; Spanish Active, ex Coupon, 16 4; ditto Three Per Cents, 204 4. In Shares, Birmingham and Gloucester have been done at 42; Edinburgh and Glasgow New Shares, 5 it ; Great Western, 83; ditto New Shares, 60; ditto Fifths, 7g 4; London and Brighton, ; Northern and Eastern, 3&
3 per Cent. Consuls Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cent Ditto New 31 per Cents Bank Stock
921 4 924 3 shut shut 101 * shut Columbian 6 per Cents. Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents Consul Portuguese Regency5perets Ditto New 5 per Cents 1841
20/, is 84 44, 524 * 341 51 341 5 294
Exchequer Bills, 21d. .. prem.
51 53
Ditto 3 per Cents 20* 1 Ditto, 2d.
India Stock do. 49 51 — Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 1114 1121 Brazilian 5 per Cents
644 5*
ex Coupons 16 1 Belgian 5 per Cents
1014 24 Ditto 3 per Ceuta 1842 20 *