3 SEPTEMBER 1842, Page 15



SIR—One of the daily papers having given extracts from the third Record Report, just published, relative to the "Bags de secretis," and called attention by a separate paragraph to the proceedings connected with Queen ANNE BOLEYN, I am induced to say that this bag was always known to be in exist- ence; and an account thereof (though not in detail) appears in the Record- Commission Report of 1800, pages 114 and 118; where Mr. TEMPLAR, of the Crown Office, recommends a catalogue of its contents to be made; which was subsequently done, and is, I believe, now at the Rolls House. It is not my intention to enter into historical controversy ; but we know that the King married, had two children, (one being still-born,) and subsequently beheaded her, and with indecent haste married Lady JANE SEYMOUR the next day. My only object is to state that there is nothing fresh in this report of 1842 to fix guilt upon or criminate the Queen.

Those who wish further information, may study Bishop BURNET, Sir Jaarats Macarwrosti, KEIGHTLY, and others; or should they desire instruction blended with amusement in the way of pleasing narrative, they may read the fourth volume of Miss STRICKLAND'S Lives of the Queens of .England.

I believe this bag has been examined by several : it contains the indictments, precepts, conviction, &c., but. not the evidence on which that conviction took place—being a very material difference. I wish it to be distinctly understood, that I am not writing against Record men, or expressing any opinion on their Reports, but merely to prevent an er- roneous interence being drawn on so interesting a point of history ; for, from what has transpired, the public might perhaps inadvertently be led to ima- gine that this bag was a new discovery, and that the contents criminated the unfortunate Queen; neither of which is the fact, and I trust there is no im-. propriety in saying so. Although I might get a friend to sign this, or put a fictitious name, I prefer subscribing myself your obedient humble servant, FREDERICK DEVON.