" Tarn " suggests in his article, I am quite sure there are many people who would be only too glad to help to make the little exhibition of stage design at the Victoria and Albert Museum of still greater value to the growing number of people in this country who are becoming interested in the subject. I should be very glad indeed to offer my services in any
advisory capacity.—I am, Sir, &c.. NIGEL PLATFAIR. Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith.
IWe are delighted to have confirmation—though we felt sure that it would be forthcoming—of Mr. Gordon Craig's willingness to help, as "Tarn" suggested, towards the forma- tion of an adequate exhibition of stage design. The officials of the Victoria and Albert Museum have as yet no conception, we fancy, of the interest that might be aroused. The very small and unrepresentative show described by " Tarn " on July 9th is no test. People are talking as they never talked before of the setting of theatrical performances. They do not want grandeur, and certainly not grandiosity; they want harmony, originality, taste, ideas. We hone that the exhibition would include all the national schools of stage design—so far as schools can be said to exist—but even with Englishmen alone represented an extraordinarily interesting collection could he got together. Who with a glimmering of interest in the subject would not want to compare the work of, say, Levet Fraser, Mr. Gordon Craig, Mr. Walter Crane, and Mr. Norman Wilkinson if their work were presented in such a way as to make comparison easy and attractive? Everybody goes to the theatre, and obviously " everybody" might be better educated
by means of such an exhibition. It is surely a chance for the Museum authorities to add to their many public services. " The theatre is irresistible," wrote Matthew Arnold, fresh from the glamour of Mme. Sarah Bernhardt's acting- " organize the theatre." We venture to say that all the necessary help would be given if the authorities would under- take this little bit of theatrical organization. Mr. Nigel Ylayfair•'s generous offer is most welcome, and we are certain that others would follow.—ED. Spectator.]