3 SEPTEMBER 1921, Page 13


" SPECTATOR.") Sia,—We are told that, politically, there is a slight rift in the lute of the Entente, and that all its notes are not quite in tune. If so, it is all the more important that we should redouble our efforts to draw closer the bonds which unite us socially to our friends in France. This is being very surely done through the splendid work of the British League of Help in its scheme for the adoption in England of French towns and villages. The Guild of St. Christopher, on whose behalf I ask you again to let me appeal to your readers, is another of the agencies doing its bit for this end. We work for children only, and are therefore in no sense rivals of the League of Help with its larger work. Our field of operations is in the Ardennes, among the children in the thirty-five villages of two of its cantons. Here there are about 2,500 children. The thirty-five rings of our Guild are now working hard to make and collect a supply of winter clothing for this big family. It will be despatched next month. Summer clothes were sent out last April, and most grateful letters of thanks have been received from mayors and school-teachers there.

" Wardrobe Week " will soon be here, when our boys and girls will be getting their winter outfits for school. May I ask them and their parents, in the excitement of those momentous days, not to forget the needs of the French children, and especially the boys, who are much more difficult to cater for than the girls? Most things for boys have to be bought, and we have lately had to buy 100 pairs of shorts, for which there is a special fund. Some fathers and big brothers, who " sew not neither do they spin," might like to subscribe! A pair of shorts costa 4s. 11il. Parcels of clothing will be most gratefully welcomed. They should be sent by September 12th to the Guild of St. Christopher, c/o the French Chamber of Com- merce, 153 Queen Victoria Street, E.G., and a note to Mrs. Penrose here, advising her of their despatch. The French children have scarcely any toys. Some have never seen one. Think of it! Nothing to give joy to little hearts amid the depressing gloom of a village lying from year to year in ruins, overgrown with weeds. So we are sending in October a con- signment of toys for Christmas. And for this we should be very glad of help, too. Anyone will see that if work like this can be kept up and extended we are on the surest road to a real and enduring union of hearts, no matter what faux pas the politicians may make from time to time. Kind deeds speak louder and last longer than brave words.—I am, Sir, &c., Tullaghguin, Wimbledon, S.W. 19. Joax T. Pialaosa.

P.S.—Mrs. Penrose will gladly send information about the organization and methods of the Guild to any one who is interested.