[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It may be of interest to the readers of your review of Professor E. Browne's scholarly history of Arabian medicine, in the Spectator of August 20th, to know that the Greek school of medicine still holds its ground among the Musalmans of India as the Yunani (Ionian) in opposition to the Faranji (European) system as practised by English physicians, and they acknow- ledge as the masters of their craft the Greek doctors Jalinus (Galen) and Bukrat (Hippocrates). Most of the science of the Mohammedan nations is derived from the Greeks through the Arabs, who conquered so many provinces of the Byzantine Empire in the eighth century.—I am, Sir, &c., P. H. TYRRELL, Lieut.-General.
Hotel Regina, St. Martin-Vdsubie, A.M., France.