3 SEPTEMBER 1921, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OP TEL "EnCTITOIL"l SIR,—In response to the numerous inquiries addressed to me by your readers on the subject of the 'steam pressure cooker, described in your issue of July 23rd, I venture to ask you to allow me to inform them that the latest and most improved form of this utensil is made by the North-Western Steel and Ironworks Manufacturing Company, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, U.S.A. It is made in three sizes; that for family use, with fittings, is sold retail at $25. But the first cost is the last; it is indestructible in ordinary use, and the saving in fuel alone recoups the outlay in a few months. So far no form of steam pressure cooker of Canadian make is on the market, but the economy in time, labour, fuel, and food compensates for the extra cost of duty and freight to Canadian -purchasers. thought some London firm might have introduced these pressure cookers to the British public.—I am, Sir, &c., 23 Dallas Avenue, Victoria, B.C. ALICE RATE:MILL.