[To THE EDITOR or THE " SprcrAvos."1 Sis,—May I be allowed to support "Layman's " letter in your issue of August 20th? The clergy are expected to be men of superior education and culture, of blameless character, able to give advice on all kinds of matters, and to adapt themselves to every social grade, and, in addition to conducting the services of the church and visiting all parishioners, to act as agent and guide in every parochial movement. Is it not up to loyal members of our Church to see that the man who faithfully fills this post of trust and responsibility is freed from the constant worry of wondering whether even the barest neces- saries of life can be procured? The Church of England has been recruited in the past from the sons of the clergy, but small wonder if sons who see the daily struggle of -their parents turn to other walks in life. To see that the clergy receive even a living wage for work done is a layman's job, and if it is not done, will not the Church of England seer and with it the whole life of our patient—I am, Sir, &c., ROBERT BARBOUR Boleste
(Joint Hon. 'See. Chester Diocesan Clergy Stipends Fund). orth.