The German Government on Monday issued a -manifesto denouncing the
"unbridled agitation " of " certairsunsernpuloter groups "—Monarchists and Communists—against the Republic. "These groups," they said, " openly advocate the murder of political opponents." They reminded the- public that 'disturb- ances would damage Germany's credit, " especially at a moment when the fete of Upper Silesia -is in the balance." The Govern- ment also 'issued a decree authorizing the suppression of periodicals which advocate the forcible overthrow of the Republic, and the punishment of their editors- and publishers. On Tuesday, ten of the most violent .Menarchist journals were suspended for a fortnight. On the same day it was rumoured that the Government would decree the expulsion of the Hohenzollern Princes and their chief supporters, especially General Ludendorff. We com• sent on the situation elsewhere.