Alberta's Progress Mr. Aberhart, the Prime Minister of Alberta, and
Mr. Mackenzie King, the Prime Minister of Canada, now accuse each other of acting ultra wires ; Mr. Mackenzie King refuses to allow Mr. Aberhart's banking legislation, Mr. Aberhart refuses to recognise Mr. Mackenzie King's right of disallowance. In a letter to the Prime Minister he declares he will enforce his legislation, until declared ultra wires by the Courts ; but he also shows, by an appeal to precedent, that he is quite ready to ignore the Courts as well as the Federal Government. If necessary he will use the police to give effect to his legislation. It may be difficult for the Government to reply with equally forcible measures ; and it might be wisest to allow Mr. Aberhart to pursue his course unchecked until his financial theories have produced the inevitable disaster ; but Mr. Mackenzie King is naturally reluctant to tolerate the financial havoc that might cause. It is extremely doubtful if in fact any of Mr. Aberhart's Social Credit money would ever be accepted and circulated, but the promises he holds out to the electorate are seductive, and in a new election he might be returned again.