4 APRIL 1840, Page 10


Arrived—At Gravesend, March 29th, Margaret Parker. Evans, from Benizitl; April 2d, Owen G eudower, 'fuller. from (Hilo; ;Win, M• Kenzie. from Matir.ti us ; and Janet, Kerr. hum the (ralm. Ott Falmouth, March 31st, Joseph Storey, Spruce. from ditto. At la, erpool. March 31st, Grimm n, M Minn. from Bombay ; atm Lady Bute, Td.Kin'a:.. flout Singapore; April 1,4, Ki.msten. M Lean, from llornInt:. ; Cumbrian, Lee, from Muir tuts; Mill 241, rhumas I.e.., Wolf, horn ditto. At St. Helena. Bombay, Maley. from Bombay. At the Cape, pie% i us to 31st .litiluilry, C Hein +ley. hopper; Wes: Indian, M'Arthur; John Sett, Robins. n; Fame. Green ; and Mary Parley. from Lootkaa ; C. Jamieson, Hutchins, from NC, It. ; New 'Thomas. Nu.ull; Argyre. Buhl, trout Livelp ul ; F. Huth. Toby, from China; Alex Kerr. M Keelmie. front Bombitt ; at al .1. Pleating. Ruse. from Ileilgal. At Mauritius. March 2241. T111011148 Blyth, 11.1y ; :5; It. 121 • made. M'Cong; stud 27;11..11111mm. Parker. mm London. Sailed • F Gran usetul, March 3.st, Ettpin ants, Buckliani, for Bombay ; attd April 241, Asia. Paler-mi. fur Bengal. Morn Livery° I, O0111. Patriot Kite:, ltuildock. for Bengal ; April lot. Hereford, Benham. for do. ; and 2d, Amazon, cainpbell. for Bombay.