The last, of the Olympic novelties is a pretty burletta
by the author of the Lev1;, Clu/A, called Gal/it:doh Vumyhun, of which Mrs. STIRLING is the b-roi Gwynneth is a " village coquette," who loses her real lover, and - r :h,ael in consequence ; but recovers her senses when he returns. .`.1: I IELING'S lively personation of the vain, light-hearted flirt, i erea ses I,y contra St the pathos of her madness. The last
scene, whi!re lo.r realm] is restored by hearing the voice of her long-
absent lov. r. i red with truth to nature that is powerfully affecting. The scenery "II painted, and the costumes are appropriate and pic- turesque. Ir.deed, the WhOie bllhiffiliS of the stage is well managed ; and there is some very nice acting by other performers.