Memoirs of the Princess Daschkaw, Lady of' Honour to Catherine IL, Empress of all the Russins. Written by herself: Comprising Letters of the Empress, and other Correspondence. Edited from the Originals by Mrs. N. Besnroun. In two vols.
A ?'our through tic Australian Colonies, in 1839; with Notes and Inci- dents of a Voyage round the Globe, calling at New Zealand and South America. By A. Russm.L.
The Law relat joy to India,and the East India Company; with Notes and an Appendix. [This is a large quarto, with a comprehensive and very useful object—that of collecting into one focus all the existing laws relating to India and the East India Company. Till the appearance of this work, the information it purports to contain was almost inaccessible ; being comprised in charters partially supers soled, or acts of Parliament partially repealed, or, after the manner or English legislation, bidden in laws not expressly devoted to the subject. Besides the statutes and public documents open to all, with leisure, ability, and industry to use them, the author states that he has been greatly assisted by a "series of valuable legal opinions" given by the professional advisers of the East India Company, as well as by the advice of Mr. Ster.v11,1„ the Secretary. What has been done is done well, both in the mode of presenting the text and the hifbrination in the appendix, its well as in the fullietis of the Index, wldch not only serves as a reference to the subjects, but indicates the extent and cha- racter of the work. Beyond this we cannot undertake to speak ; hut we may observe that works of this nature, whose value rests upon the fret of their correctness, generally appear with the name of the author—not that a name can aid intriiisic value tin any thing, but when we rely upon authority we should know what that authority is. j 7'/re ftforea; with some Itewarks on the !'resent State qf Greece. By
I A tour in Greece turned into as poetical rhapsody, after the fashion of C'hilele ; which is imitated in the structure of the poem as well as in the style. There are sonic minor pieces, ninth some prose remarks on the present state of Greece, each trivial in substance.] fjrrinphuseos, or the Love of Nature; a serio-comic Poem, in four scenes. By 'Eu.1°7.11E118 PI IC ROM El., Esq. [Though slight in its matter, Erolophuseos is better than the common run of poems that load our table ; fbr the images are sin far original that they have been seen or tat by the writer, and not suggested to him by reading other poets. His .ityle, too, though smacking of Scow and of the more sober pasts of the Giaour, does not (momently echo, with feeble and distorted reverberation, some well-known strain.] " What Cheer?" or Roger Williams in Banishment ; a Poem. By Jon DURFEE, Esq. With a Recommendatory Preface, by the Reverend JOHN EUSTACE GILES, Leeds. [This is the imprint of an American poem, whose object is to describe the Career of ROGER WILLIAMS. This true " worthy," one of the Pilgrim Fathers, was banished from Massachusetts by the dominant religious party ; and after enduring many persecutions from his countrymen and many perils in the wilderness, 1hunded the state of Rhode Island, with perfect freedom of conscience for its fundamental law.] The Boy and the Birds. By EMILY TAYLOR. With Designs by Tnoams LANDSEER. delightful book for children. The birds tell of their habits to a little in- piling boy, who goes peeping into their nests and watching their doings: and a very pleasant way they have of talking, sure to engage. the young reader's attention : their reflections, too, are very sensible, and thew acquaint- ance with our notions about them is surprising. The designs are pretty, and okay cut on wood ; but the artist, in his desire to indicate the forms of toe birds distinctly, has drawn them on too large a settle for the boy ; so that the swallow looks as big as a hawk, and the wren as a partridge.] Italy; a Poem. By SAMUEL ROGERS. PI how many more shapes are ROG E RS'S elegant amateur verses destined to appear? They have now reached the lowest grade in the scale of price, as before they hod attained the highest in that of art ; and have assumed every shape from portly quarto to pamphlet octavo, handy duodecimo included: the waistcoat-pocket size yet remains, however.] The Indicator, and the Companion; a Miscellany for the Fields and the Fireside. By LEIGH HUNT. In two Parts. Part H.
Extracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822. By Captain BASIL HALL, B.A., F.R.S. In two Parts. Part 1. [" Another, and another, and another !"—We shall soon have from Mr. -MoxoN a complete library of valuable and popular copyright works in a cheap form. Besides ROGERS, CAMPBELL, CHARLES LAMB, LEIGH HUNT, and PRINGLE, here is another of Captain BASIL Hates amusing publientions—a passing picture of South America during the very crisis of its war of indepen- dence against Spain.] The Literary World ; a Journal of popular information and entertain- ment. Conducted by JOHN TIMES, eleven years editor of "The Mirror." Vol. 11.
[The second volume of a weekly publication of selected and original literature, both of a useful and amusing kind. It is " conducted " by the former editor of the Mirror ; width work it pretty closely resembles. witii such typographical and other improvements as the progress of the publishing art has produced since its prototype was first started.] The Menageries. Quadrupeds described and drawn from living subjects. Volume the Third. (The Library of Entertaining Knowledge.) [Contains descriptions of the character, habits, and countries of the Rhinoce- ros, hippopotamus, Tapir, the Ilog family, the Ox with its varieties in the Buffalo, and the Bison, the Sheep, and the Goat. There arc nearly fifty wood engraviiigs.] An Introduction to the Mathematics. Pert L—Arithmetic. Part IL— The Methods of :Mathematical Investigation. With an Appendix.
Master Humphrey's Clock. By 13oz. With Illustrations by G. CATTER■ MOLE and II. K. BROWNE. No. I.
[The first number of Boz's new work consists of only twelve pages, and of course presents but scanty material; fin. criticism. " Master Humphrey" is an old humourist, detbrmcd, but kind-hearted; and for some sufficient cause, not unfolded, has retired to an old house in one office suburbs of London. here he was at first the horror, next the wonder, and lastly the veneration of the neigh- bourhood : here too he formed some friendships in due time, und a kind of club was established, each member of which contributed some manuscripts, that were deposited in Master Humphrey's clock-case. A selection from these is to form the publication now begun, and to be continued weekly.
The descriptions of Master Humphrey's neighbourhood, house, and furni-
ture, and his reminiscences of childhood, are a good deal in the vein of Wasit- INGTON IRVING'S Sketch-Book, but with less elegant elaboration, and more rapidity and tenderness. The first tale is called " The Introduction to the Giant Chronicles." The subject, so far as yet appears, is a mushroom Lord Mayor, ashamed of an old friend who suddenly appears before him on the night of his election : he does, however, give him a ticket for the Guildhall dinner ; where the stronger goes to sleep, and wakes to see Gog and Magog carousing; at which point the number closes.] Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon. By "TARRY LORREQUER. DIRS. trated by PII1z. No. I. [A fiction in the form of an autobiography. The hero, chaperoned by Lou- REQUER, mikes a very promising derifit as a youne. "squireen ; " who, reared as a sportsman, aspires to the army, as the shortest cut to fortune and the favour of the fur; for which a good figure, dare-devil spirit, and in prowess, are his chief qualifications. The descriptions of a fox-chase, m which the bold dragoon risks his own neck in it desperate effort to endanger the neck of his rival, an English Colonel—and that of an election-dinner at the house of a Galway squire—are pictures of Irish life and character, full of' vigour and reality.] A Dietionory, Geogrogacai, Statistical, and Historical, of the various Countries, Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the World. By J. It. M'Cuttocti, Esq. Part II. [The leading subjects of this Second Part are Asia, Australia, Austria. and the completion of Arabia. All these papers are examples of skilful and painstaking compilation, in which a great deal of matter is compressed into a small space, in a manner at once clear, readable, and interesting. The autho- rities also are added ; which is usefid to those who would either test the work or pursue the subject further.]
The. Groom. (The Guide to Service.) This is by for the best of the Guides to Service; containing not merely full
instructions touching the duties of a groom, from stable-helper to the pinnacle of his profrssion, but plain directions for riding, diking, choosing, and treating horses. The chapters on the "points" of the animal, and the different objects to be considered according to the work required from him, are valuable practical hints. It is not a groom's guide, but a jockey's %aide mecum.]
Illustrations ot the Breeds of the Domestic Animals of the British Islands :
consisting of a series of coloured lithographic prints, from a series of oil paintings by Mr. SIIIELS, of the Royal Scotch Academy. With De- scriptive Memoirs, by DAVID Low, Esq., F.R.S E., &c. Part 11. [Contains a history of the Sheep, and plates and descriptions of the breeds of the Orkney and Shetland Isles, the Welsh mountains, and the Wicklow breed of Ireland. The prints are drawn and coloured with force and clearness, but the animals are deficient in anatomical character.]
The Life and Times of Dick Whittington, thrice Lord Mayor of London. Part I. An historical novel; the adventures of Whittin *too being interwoven with a a
hetion, which is intended to illustrate the manters turd occurrences of the
time of Richard the Second, and especially the habits of the citizens of Lon- don. The narrative, so fur, is deficient in animation, and the etchings are below mediocrity.] Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. Embellished with five hundred engravings. (Standard Illustrated Edition. Parts I. H. and HI.)
[A cheap edition, neatly printed, and profusely illustrated by French artiste. The designs are spirited and characteristic as far as the costumes are con- cerned, but the physiognomies partake more of caricature than individual nature : still they are masterly in style, and full of a somewhat coarse gusto; and we can show nothing like them.]
The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. Part 1V.
Poor Jack. By Captain MARRYAT, C.B. No. IV.
The Tower of London. By W. H. AINSWORTH. Illustrated by GEORGE CRUIRSHANK, Part IV.
Paid Periwinkle, or the Press-Gang. Part XI.
A Natural History of Quadrupeds, and other Mamtniferous Animals. By WILLIAM CHARLES LINN.EUS MARTIN, F.L.S. With upwards of fifteen hundred engravings on wood. Part III.
The Comic Novel. No. III.
Arabian Nights' Entertainments. A new translation, by EDWARD WILLIAM LANE. Illustrated with many hundred wood-cuts. Part XXIII.
The Works of Josephus. Translated by W. WHISTON, A.M. Part II. Thomas's Life of Napoleon. Part XL Juvenile Historical Library. By MISS CORNER. Part IV.—Spain and Portugal.
The Pictorial Edition of Shaksperc. Part XVI11.—" King Lear." The Pictorial history of Englund. Part XXXVI11.
The Pictorial History of Palestine. By the Editor of the " Pictorial Bible." Part 1X.
A Letter to Thomas Tooke, Esq., in Reply to his Objections against the Separation of the Bank into a Department of Issue and a Department of Deposit and Discount : with a plan of Bank Reform. By IL Toa- RENS, Esq., F.R.S. [In this well-timed pamphlet Colonel TORRENS exposes the heresy of Mr. TOOKE open the subject of the Bank deposits; expanding the point we last week touched upon, that the Bank of England, by being enabled to pay its depositors with its own notes, instead of actual money, not only mismanages the currency, but its own private banking business—though, be it observed, the country pays for all, when danger drives the Old Lady upon forced contrac- tions and other desperate remedies. Colonel TORRENS, we think, very clearly, shows, that having the " notes" always to fall back upon, the Bank is tempted to lend its deposits to an extent which no other establishment would dare to do : when the natural consequences of a full currency—overtrading and a low rate of interest—ensue, and the exchanges begin to turn against us, the Directors are unwilling to diminish the profits, and, instead of reducing their security and calling in their notes, they keep letting their bullion go, and living upon hopes that it will come back. At last, stoppage stares them in the face—the screw is turned—soure qui peat is the cry amongst the trading community, till time danger is past ; and the play begins again, and "so we go round and round."
The pamphlet also contains a scheme for making paper currency an exact representative of gold, and preserving the Country Banks of issue. It is inge- nious—probably practicable ; but, like all plans which are compromises with error, not distinguished by the simplicity which marks an operation hosed on nature, and perhaps liable in its working to cause inconvenience for want of change. Nor do we see any necessity for it. The Country Banks have not the shadow of a vested interest ; they have not even the claim which the Bank of England possesses—a charter.] Facts and Evidence relating to the Opium Trade with China. By WIL-
Statement if Claims of the British Subjects interested in Opium Stirrers- detail to Captain Elliot at Canton fir the Public Service.
A Refutation of the First Report of the Constabulary Force Commissioners. Part 11. By the Reverend C..D. BRERETON, A.M., Rector of Little Massiugham, :Norfolk.
Thoughts on the Corn-laws. By MONTAGUE GORE, Esq. Second edition. A Letter to Sir Robert Inglis, Burt., M.P., of the present State and Ten- dency of the Privilege Question. By a Commoner.