Mr. O'Connell has addressed a very long letter to the Duke of Muster. urging the chief of the encient family of the Fitzgeralds-- the ":psis Ifirernisis Hiberniores"—to take the had in agitating Ireland to obtain equal rights with England and Scotland. Mr.-O'Con- nell goes over old ground in this letter, laying. as usual, much stress upon the small number of Irish electors as compared with the popula- tion, and with the numbers of the English and Scotch constituencies. The letter contains a bitter attack upon Lord Stanley.
3Ir. Gibson has been appointed Chairman of Quarter-Sessions in Antrim county ; and Mr. Henry Hutton goes to Carlow in the same capacity.
Father Matthew administered the temperance pledge on Monday last to of foar tlionatol persons in Uulain. The place selected for the cssemony was the ,:.round in front of the Customhouse. It was strewed v ith sawdust ; on which the people, of whom half were women, kneeled, and repeated the pledge in the words prescribed by the priest. It rained nearly all the time, but the multitude listened fir half an hour to a sermon on the evils of intemperance, with uncovered heads. Pro- bably few of them could at any time afford the luxury of a hat or bonnet.
Chief Baron Woulfe ha:; returned to the Continent, in a very bad state of health.
The emigrants fro!.: Limerick and other Irish parts to the United States and British America are very numerous this spring.
The "d ,populating system" is going on extensively in sonic parts of the country. Families are ejected by scores from their cottages and holdings.