" Th. e t.t ' 1.,,I to divert letters patent to be rinsed under the Gt. ;t ; ;, ;',.: i.e; .1.,:•.itv oft' !bitches, of the United Kingdom of Grist IfF:eiie a..,,•; !met tal.t., ibe Weld llonburable Lady Cecilia Leti•ia l!all._littr of Arthur Santitlert,, scaoud Earl of Avers. t.; tit, h.. C.., I t. ate, daughter of Richard Underweod, late of the a its. .,! la;,,: the heirs male of her in dy lawkdiy begotten, by the ha: and t;i:,7 a,t i;U:( li■••4 (If 111%•trliv,,,," '• i;eiN male" tt.iSi s:vreely he putencsses.] This et..,..itm laLs produced much gossip, and some rather coarse
squibs is s, at the exteesse of the Duke of Sussex and the
lady who of In vein !ss. It has been ile.intiated that the Deke Is• unte.7.dsomely to Lady Augusta 3lurray, whom he formerly uslem est ie violation of the Royal Marriage Act, but was afterwarco, separated from by compulsion. There appears to be no good ground for this insinuation ; but that, on the contrary, his Royal IliAhness treated Lady Augusta liberally to the day of her death. Then doubts are cast upon the respectability of Lady Uielerwood, and on her mars hige with the Duke. Lady maiden name was Gore, that of the Arran family— married a Sir George Buggin, an attorney of Haulm Court, who left her
a widow sonic years ago s and though she assumed the name of Under. wood, which was her mother's, for some unexplained reason, her true legal style and title, previous to the late creation, was Lady Buggin.