4 APRIL 1840, Page 8


.31r. II. Baillie WtLi returned oat Tiles lay for the county of Inverness, in the room of the late Mr. Grant. There was no opposition front the Whigs.

Electioneering nitumevr-_s in favour of Mr. Pox Mottle are going on at Perth.

The carriers in all f■tt. ter, of the country are suffering severely front the operation of the p,st ge. he con traband. triolie in letters

was a pretty s art of the Lusieess of country carriers Mr-

merl y Gatsg,,,s os , , • , The Cmmtess Nieto;.e has ohtait.ed a decree of divorce against the Earl s.,1' Kinto.:e, its the C -et of Sessiots, whereby the ms:riage between the noble pair is d:ssolved.—.11ornilly Chronicle.