The sudden postponement of the levee which had been announced
for Wednesday, produced, of course, some inconvenience to individuals. We need not add that it excited much surprise, and gave birth to an in- finite variety of speculations. We believe we incur no risk of contra- diction, other than those official denials to which we have long been a customed, and which have lung ceased to produce any other effect upon the public mind than that of confirming a statement, when we assert that the postponement of the levee on Wednesday was occasioned by the occurrence on Tuesday of a very decided difference of opinion on a very important subject between an Illustrious Personage and a States. man whose opinions that Illustrious Personage has seldom resisted. The question was the propriety or expediency of an immediate dissolution of Parliament ; and the opinion on either side was maintained with a degree of vivacity and energy most unusual in such discussions. The excitement incident to this disagreement produced a temporary effect on the health of the Illustrious Personage who had been a party to it; in consequence of which, a postponement of the levee of the following day was considered to be expedient.—Morning Post.