4 APRIL 1846, Page 11



The intelligence from India, received by the overland mail, produced a favour able impression upon the prices of the Public Securities. We do not remember since the period of the battle of Waterloo any intelligence of a similar character that produced such an effect upon the public mind. In the earlier part of Tues- day it was the sole subject of conversation; and in the streets, coffeehouses, and usual resorts of business, everybody, from the highest to the lowest, was busy in canvassing the particulars of the splendid success of our Anglo-Indian soldiers. At the first promulgation of the intelligence, Consols advanced b per cent, viz. to 964. The quotation has not, however, been supported; and, alter declining to 96*, the last price this afternoon is 96*i. The transactions of the week have been unimportant; the most considerable being those of the Government-broker. The rate of commercial discount is the same, viz. from 3b to 4 per cent; and it is probable that in the course of next week, when the Dividends due upon the Three- and-a-quarter per Cents, Reduced Three per Cents, and January and July An- nuities, will become payable, this rate may experience a trifling decline. The Dividends upon all these Stocks will be paid to the merchants and bankers on Monday and Tuesday, and to the public on Wednesday and following days. All these Stocks will open for private transfer on Monday next. The premium of Exchequer Bills has continued steady during the whole week. In the Foreign Market, an impetus has been given to the price of Mexican Bonds, by the arrangement of the dispute between the late agents of the Govern- ment, Messrs. Lizardi and Co., and their constituents, and consequent liquida- tion of the debt due from that firm to the Mexican Republic. A sum of nearly 70,0001. will thus in course of time be available for the purposes of a dividend; and as a natural consequence, the advance in price of }Imam Securities has been about 1 per cent. A notice has been issued by the Russian Government, stating that new Coupons will be issued free of expense for all the Bonds of the Russian loans of which the Coupons have been exhausted, upon presentation of the Bonds themselves, between the 13th April and loth June next, on any Mon- day, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, at the countinghouse of Messrs. Roths- . chills and Sons, between the hours of eleven and two o'clock. The Bonds will be then stamped, and new Coupons delivered, between 13th July and 14th September, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, between eleven and two o'clock. All Bonds not sent in before 15th June must be sent to St. Petersburg at the expense of the holders. This arrangement is highly creditable to the Russian Government. It has hitherto been the custom, when the Coupons attached to Bonds issued by other Foreign Govern- ments have been exhausted, to issue the new Coupons only in the capital of the loan-contracting country, and thus subject the foreign holders to the expense and risk of the transmission of the Bond or document authorizing the receipt of the Coupons,. and its consequent retransmission in a perfect state to this country; an inconvenience which is obviated by the liberality of the present arrangement. The other transactions in the Foreign Market have been unimportant, and prices generally are without material change. The market for Railway Shares is nearly in the same state as last week: the prices of some of the better class of Shares are supported, but the Scrip generally are unsaleable. A new phase of the railway speculation is now in the course of development. Mr. Spackman, whose reputation as a statist was established by the publication of the tabular view of the Railway interest of the United King- dom which appeared in the Times in November last, has opened an office for the purpose of assisting the holders of Scrip Shares to obtain the abandonment of the schemes in which they have engaged, and a division of the remaining capital. Among those in the list to be first operated upon, WV some of the most favourable lines of last year. Another proof, if any were wanting, of the recklessness and absurdity of the late mania.


There is no change in the prices of either the English or Foreign Funds. The following transactions have occurred in Railway Shares; the prices of which base SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK.

The English Funds close at the morning's prices. Exchequer Bills are rather lower; having been done at 25s., and afterwards at 28e. premium, closing at 25s. to 28s. premium. No material variation has taken place in the Foreign Funds; with the exception of the Spanish, of which the Three per Cents are slightly firmer.

The business in Railway Shares has been of a very general character; and though prices have not experienced any change for the better, the tone of the market for some of the better class is in some instances rather firmer. Birmingham and Gloucester, (New,) 304 1; Bristol and Exeter, 84; Cork and Waterford, 4; Eastern Counties, 201 ; Great North of England, 210; Ditto, New, 514; Ditto, New, 34; London and Birmingham, 220 218; Ditto, Thirds, 514 24; London and Blackwell, if ; London and Brighton, 624; London and Croydon, 204 4; London and York, 14 1; Midland, 144; North Kent and Dover Direct, 14; Scottish Cen- tral, 134; South-easternand Dover, 34; Boulogne. and Amiens, 12; Bordeaux, Toulouse and Cette, (Espelete's,) 2; Dutch-Rhenish, 54 i ; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 154 144 ; Luxembourg, 14; Orleans and Bordeaux, 114; Paris and Rouen, 404; Paris and Strasbourg, Constituted, 544; Sambre and Meuse, 34.

3 per Cent Consols..... Ditto for Account

sq 4

961 4 Columbian ex Venezuela ...

Danish 3 per Cents 16 17 874 84 3 per Cent Reduced shut Dutch 24 per Cents 591 1 81 per Cents Long Annuities shut shut Ditto 4 per Cents...ex dlr Mexican 5 per Cents 921 1 314 24 Bank Stock shut Ditto Deferred

16 17

Exchequer Bills Prem. 25 8 Portuguese New5 p. CM. 1841 571 8} India Stock shut Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 Prem. 571 81 Brazilian 5 per Cents ex div. 81 3 Russian 5 per Cents 108 110 Belgian 41 per Cents 97 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 251 ChIlitui 6 per Cents . -ex My. 96 98 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 364 4

not varied materially from those of yesterday: Ambergats, Nottingham, Boston, and Erewash Junction, 14; Birmingham and Gloucester, New, 304 ; Direct Northern, 11; Birmingham, Third Shares, 514; Brighton, 624; droydon, 204 4; London and York, 14; Midland, 144; ditto, New, 284; North British, 24; ditto, Half Shares, 74; Scottish Central, 134; South-eastern and Dover, 34; ditto, New, No. 4, 2; Great Luxembourg, 14.