THS• interest of the Italian Opera has decidedly advanced with Linda di Chamouni, and the restoration to us of its supposed defunct heroine, Ma- dame Castellon. This lady has returned from St. Petersburgh improved as pi dramatic performer, and a songstress in every way fitted to cope with the vocal difficulties incident to the part of prima donna; and though we apprehend that her face, figure, and conception of character, are scarcely fitted to attain the triumphs of histrionic representation, it is something to have a musician of faultless intonation, and upon whom we may implicitly rely for the due execution of every note of the music confided to her. If the voice of Madame Castellon made the same effect in the vast area of the Operahouse that it was wont in the Hanover Square Rooms, she would be an acquisition indeed; but costume and character seem still to make some drawback from those powers which she used to exert so effec- tively as q concert-singer. Mademoiselle Gaetannina Brambilla, as Pieretto, is a very pretty girl in boy's clothes, which throw her copious figure, in milliner's phrase, considerably "adapted to prominences," into somewhat high relief. In this respect and in manner only does she resemble the enchanting Marietta Brambilla; who with the shreds and feeble remains of her enact voice, still captivates every hearer by the purity and intensity of her expression. If Mademoiselle Graetannina has nothing in common with this distinguished artist but a good contralto voice and a correct ear to oummerice with, she has time before her for improvement. At present her performance is destitute of the artistical finish demanded by the line of cha- racters which ordinarily fall to the contralto. F. Lablache, in the Marquis, happily imitates the style of his father, wanting only to complete his success such another face: in this respect Fortune has not well qualified him for the stage. Fornasari may be commended for his dressing and acting, (especially in Belisario, which he played finely on Thursday, the first of the " long ' nights); but his singing is still far from agreeable. The full and orchestral parts of the opera were well sustained on Tuesday.