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THERE was a brilliant evening-party at Buckingham Palace on Wednes- day; a convenient day for the courtiers of the Lower House of Parliament, seeing that their legislative labours terminate at an early hour in the after- noon, and equally convenient for the Lords, who have on Wednesday a full bolyday. The company began to arrive about nine o'clock. The Queen received her Royal relatives, the Dutchesses of Kent, Gloucester, Cambridge, and Prince George, in the Yellow Drawingroom; and passing into the Grand Saloon, received the general company. The reception over, the party repaired to the Ballroom; where a concert was performed. A supper -closed the entertainment.
The Queen and Prince Albert attended -the performance of the Philhar- monic Concert on Monday; and the Dutchess of Kent joined them.
Statues of the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal are in progress. Mrs. Thorneycroft is the artiste, and Prince Albert the patron.
A dinner-party assembled on Thursday, at Marlborough House, the re- sidence of Queen Adelaide, in honour of the Prince of Saxe Meiningen, who had that day attained his twentieth year. The Prince is Queen Ade- laide's nephew.
Sir Robert Peel had audiences of the Queen on Saturday, and Wednesday.