Withdrawals of gold from the Bank have been greatly on the increase ; for the payment of whick large parcels of silver continue almost daily to arrive from the Continent. The demand for discount accommodation has been rather extensive. As had been for some days previously anticipated, the Bank Directors yesterday resolved to raise the minimum rate of interest from 6 to 61 per cent per annum, both for advance and discounts. Upon the announcement being made, the prices of Consols receded from 931 to 93 5-16, sellers. A good deal of speculative business was effected at that price; but before the close of business, the market recovered, and the last price was 931, sellers. Today the market is again depressed : operations have been moderate, and Consols close at 931, buyers only,—a fall of 1 since the opening price, 93/ 1, on Monday. Bank Stock has been sold at 222; some bargains have been made in Exchequer small Bills at 18. and 38. premium.
There have been some large arrivals of gold from Mexico and Australia during the week.
An average business has been done in Foreign Bonds. Peruvian have been active at a slight advance, 77 78; Ditto I hree per Cents, 5314 ex div. Turkish Six per Cents are quoted at a decline of t upon the closing price of Saturdsy-97 ft; Ditto Four per Cent Guaranteed, 1001 101. Buenos Ayres dull-85 87. Russian Five per Cent, 1046. Spanish Three per Cent, 41 42; Ditto Deferred, 25 1; Certificates, 61 a. The Ecuatorian Commission of Agency have received a further remittance of 2664/. 28. 7d. on account of Ecuador dividends. There being still hopes that negotiations for a Loan will be carried on by Mexico with the United States, Mexican Bonds have been again in greater demand, at an improvement upon last week's price of 1 per cent; they close at 231 231. Railway Shares have been active all the week; and after considerable fluctuation close today at a decline averaging from 158. to 20s. all round. The settling on Tuesday passed off without difficulty.; rates of Contango and interest ruling comparatively easy. The decline in prices may chiefly be attributed to the advance in the Bank rate of interest; a fall of about 15s. per share occurring almost immediatelyfollowing the announcement. Some of the closing quotations in heavy Shares are as follow—Midland, 811 821 ; Berwick 211 /.; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1011 102k; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 151 ; South-Western, 1021 103; Great Western, 661 67. An active business has also been doing in the lighter Shares, with declining prices. Caledonian, 341 ; Brighton, 108 108k; Dover, 221 ; Eastern Counties, 11 1-16 3-16; Great Northern Stock, 961 a. There is a general dulness prevailing in most things this afternoon.
French Shares have engaged some attention this week ; principally Paris and Lyons, Northern of France, and Central. Prices leave off about the same. Riga and Dunaburg flat at a to a premium.
Ss.reanav, o'CLoca.
This week's Bank return shows a decrease of 334,7381. in the stock of bullion. The markets have all opened steadily this morning, at yesterday's closing prices. Consols, 93}1. There is nothing of importance doing in Foreign Stocks or Railway Shares: Great Western have been done at 67 ; Brighton, 10831; Midland, 82; Berwick, 87; _South Wales, 88 ; Thames Haven Dock and Railway, 201.
There have been one or two rather large sellers on the Market today, and prices have drooped in consequence. Consols are now at 93 3-16ths sellers, and close heavily. Foreign and ,English Shares are equally dull ; but operations have been insignificant. The latest will be seen in the following-Caledonian, 69k; Eastern Counties, 111; Great Northern, 97; Great Western, 67+; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 102t ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1083; London and North-Western, 105k ; Midland, 813; North British, 45; North-Eastern-Berwick, 86k; Ditto York, 64; Eastern of France, 351 ,• Grand Trunk of Canada, A Issue, 60; Great Indian Peninsula, 21i 3; Great Western of Canada, 26k; Northern of France, 411; Paris and Lyons, 62+. Joint Stock Banks-Australasia, 94k; Bank of Egypt, 163; London and Westminster, 46+. Miscellaneous-Electric telegraph, 94.
At a meeting of the General Screw Steam Company, on Wednesday,Mr. Raikes Currie in the chair,-the directors were authorized to dispose of the remaining assets, and make a last division among the shareholders. From a statement showing the operations of the company for five years, it appears to have been either unfortunate or mismanaged. Including the whole of the net revenue, and deducting the dividends declared in June and December 1855, (altogether 49,042/.0 the total sum absorbed in that period has been upwards of 490,000/. The loss on the sale of the eight large ships has been 325,6421.; the loss on nine small ships, 66,3121.; the loss on Indian voyages, 21,3771.; and the expenditure on management during five years nearly 70,000/. The prospectus: of the company for constructing the great Russian railways has been published in Paris, and it is stated that the issue of the shares is to commence on the 28th instant. The first amount offered for subscription is 300,000,000 francs (12,000,0000 represented by 600,000 shares of 500 francs each, equal to 12a silver roubles, or 20/. sterling. The deposit to be paid is 150 francs, or 6/. per share.