4 APRIL 1914, Page 15


[TO roe EDISOX or rue "Sramwroic."]

Sin,—We are governed by a Constitution; the present Government was elected by Constitutional means, and con- sequently—pace all the stuff that is talked and written— represents the kingdom and his Majesty until such time that another takes its place. However much moderate Liberals disagreed with the Cabinet on the point, it was perfectly well known that the Government intended to pass the Home Rule Bill, and by means of the Parliament Act. Moderate Liberals, those who, like the writer, are strong advocates of the Referendum and of Proportional Representation, and who view with dismay the frightful extravagance of present- day national expenditure, are also, I believe, firmly resolved not to countenance the discreditable tactics employed by the Opposition in order to embroil the Army with the Executive. Personally, I have little faith in either party, and no sympathy whatever with the anarchical doctrines preached by certain sections of the Press. As a political outsider (one who be- lieves the present party system a proved menace to the State), I think that I and those who think with me are far better able to form a clear judgment on present-day events than the mere party fanatic. That the Government behaved with crass stupidity in permitting Ulster the lati- tude they have is patent; that the Opposition has worked incessantly to encourage the Orange rebellion, and to corrupt the discipline of the Army, is also another outstand- ing fact of the imbroglio which has not escaped observation. Personally, I had hoped never to have recorded my vote for a Liberal candidate again, but I shall certainly do so now, as a protest against a party which deliberately promotes disorder to compass purely political ends.—I am, Sir, &c., E. H. C. BARNES-AIISTIN.

Rosendate, Lansdowne Crescent, Worcester.

[Our correspondent's conclusion rests upon a false premiss It is not true that the Opposition worked to corrupt the discipline of the Army. They pointed out that the Govern- ment were running the risk of putting an intolerable strain on the Army, but unless it is a crime to state unpleasant facts they were guilty of no offence.—En. Spectator.]