4 APRIL 1958, Page 26


ACROSS 1 My chum hires rather poor beds (7). Dorothy brisks up when about all in! (7) 9 Have a look at the damage; it's enough to make you writhe (7). 10 Begone, Fury! You are atrocious (7). 11 Early rocket designer (10).

12 'Oh, — upon our wedding' (Housman) (4).

13 The colonel's reached the height (3). 14 Moist situation is need for a flower (4-2-1.4). 17 Dramatic wit, we hear, is on—at fixed times, no doubt (5, 6). 19 'How — and bad and mad it was—But then, how it was sweet!' (Browning) (3)

20 Cycles for little brothers? (4)

22 Carnation is indicated for a win, beside the Shalimar? (4-6) 27 And finally, hopes the bored listener! (7)

28 Or back to Mildred in France? (7) 29 Make haste, but obviously not to come down (5, 2).

DOWN 1 Softly does it! (5) 2 Where the apple tree do lean down low (6, 3). 3 It's Chloe, Pa, somewhat dated (7). 4 Posed in lustrous fabric (5). 5 For the doctor, one ring. It's encouraging (9). 6 She stood in tears amid the alien corn (4). 7 I let fall a broken tear when I'm cross (5).

8 Fed up about the archer (9).

13 It's in the bag or do we get the money from the lady? (4, 5)

15 Sixth form apparently has quality for surviving (9).

A first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of a book token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened on April 15. Address solutions: Crossword No. 986, 99 Gower St., London, WC1.

Chamhers's Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on April 18

16 There's no zest in a drink taken with indolence (9). 18 Irons, i.e., might indeed produce this effect (7). 21 'Now folds the lily all her sweet- ness up And slips into the of the lake' (Tennyson) (5).

23 Jack's the boy for this boat (5). 24 No rain in the stratosphere? That's enough of that (3, 2).

2S ' — and —, with unshut eye, Round the world for ever and aye?' (Arnold) (4)