4 AUGUST 1832, Page 10


The last Speaker, Abbott, on retiring, was created a Peer, with a pension of 4,000/. a year, for his own life and those of two others.

The places actually held by the late Mr. Scott, amounted to about 4,000/. per annum. They were the most valuable part of the Chan- cellor's patronage. Of the places held by Mr. Scott in reversion, one, the Patentee of Bankrupts, alone yields above 10,000/. The average receipts of Lord Lyndburgt were 14,500/. a year, plus the patronage. Lord Brougham's will be 14,000/. a year, minus the patronage. Lord Eldon's emoluments are said to have averaged about 19,000/. a year, and in one year (1810-11) to have amounted to 22,737/.

Unless something very unexpected should occur to prevent it, it is, we believe, at present definitively fixed that Parliament will be pro- rogued on Friday the 10th.— Globe. [ Then how can Lord Brougham's Chancery Bill be passed?] Mr. Edward Lytton Bulwer, on presenting the report on Dramatic Representations and Literature, on Thursday night, stated that next session he will move for leave to bring in a Bill "for the Regulation of the claims of Dramatic Literature."

An M. P. boasted the other day, that he had lately used his influence -with the Magistrates at the Middlesex Sessions to find a man guilty. " To find him not guilty, you mean ? "—" No, I don't : if the poor devil had been acquitted of the offence laid to his charge, he would have had to pay seven or eight-and-twenty shillings for fees; while being cast, the Chairman fined him a shilling, and discharged him."— aInglo-German Advertiser.

Doggett's Coat and Badge were rowed for on Wednesday. It was the 114th contest. Robert Waight, Bankside, took the lead, and maintained it the entire distance. ( There were 200 candidates for the prize.)

On Tuesday morning between seven and eight o'clock, the family of 3dr. Edward B—, of Orpwood Place, Park Road, Regent's Park, vas alarmed by the discovery that Miss Eleanor S.—, Mr. B—'s "lime, a young lady between seventeen and eighteen years of age, was missing from the house. Miss S.— had retired to her bed-room at all earlier hour than usual on the previous evening, under the plea of indisposition. The greater portion of her clothes was found to be removed ; and other circumstances transpired, which plainly showed that her departure was voluntary, and had been premeditated. On inquiry being made in the neighbourhood, a young lady answering her descrip- tion had been seen, between four and five o'clock, proceeding alone along Vest-end Lane towards Hampstead; at which place she was joined by &young man, in the undress of a private in one of the light-horse rep- *as.; they were then traced to Holloway, through Islington' and 3e town, where all further clue of them was entirely lost. On her ng of age she is.entitled by the will of her grandfather to between 8001: a Tear. ical she cipher? . _


THE CHOLERA.—The entire number of cases reported during the past week is 1,942, of deaths 804. The report of yesterday gives 1,103 as the number of cases remaining in the country. The entire cases re- ported since the commencement of the disease, 24,088; the entire deaths, 9,057. The reports during this week do not materially differ from those of the last. There is an increase both of cases and deaths, but not to any great extent. In Ireland, the disease is said to be assuming a milder type. In London, if the cases have not di-. minished, the alarm has. We have heard very little of the disease this week, compared with the numerous reports that were scattered abroad two or three weeks ago. The only remarkable case reported for some days, is that of a notorious burglar, who is described as having ex- hibited strong symptoms of remorse for his past sins on the occasion,— an exhibition rather common with persons of his class. We have heard of a lady of high rank who died of cholera last week ; that she had long been in a delicate state of health; that on the night preceding her death, she was greatly heated at the Opera; where, after swallowing a quantity of lemon ice, she stood for a considerable time in a draught of cold air; and that she ate freely, on returning home, of that most indi- gestible of compounds lobster-salad. She was taken: ill at two o'clock, and no medical advice was called until six o'clock.