4 AUGUST 1832, Page 11



No further intelligence has been received from Portugal. We find, however, that no doubt is entertained by Government as to the total de- feat of the division of MrouEl.'S troops attacked on the 23d ult. The despatch received by Sir JAMES GRAHAM, from Sir THOMAS TROW- BRIDGE, states that the Miguelites were beaten on every point. Sir T. TROWBRIDGE received his account from Colonel HARE, who was at Oporto, where he saw the official report.

The agents of Don PEDRO have been for some time in treaty with the owners of a large steamer, which is expected to proceed on Monday with money and stores for the Constitutionalists.

Admiral SARTORIUS has established an effective blockade of the Tagus and the town of St. Ubes ; which our Government, as appears by a letter of yesterday's date, from Mr. RACKHOUSE to the Secretary at Lloyd's, has recognized.