THIEVERT IN THE EAST.—The thieves of the East are the
most expert in the world. • A traveller accustomed to be robbed in Europe would scarcely think it possible that a sheet should be stolen from under him without his discovering it_; but nothing is more simple to a Hindoo thief. Perfectly naked, he glides, like a serpent, into the room, and sits on the floor, at the foot of the bed, watching his opportunity ; when he thinks the sleeper fast as possible, he gives the sheet a gentle pull, and crouches under the bed. If disturbed from his nap, reiognetlimg, the man yawns, stretches, turns round, and sleeps again. This wisteria; aka on this the thief reckons. By repeating the same operation two or. enve:tinato,4-the utmost, that will be necessary,—he gains the sheet, and $01.44 ofP--W,Pees Ex.cursions in India.