The Most Reverend Dr. Curtis, Catholic Primate of all Ireland,
died on Thursday, at his house in Drogheda. His Grace is another victim to cholera, but he died full of years, at the age of ninety-two. A better' a more virtuous, and few abler men, he has not left behind- hinn—Dublin Times.
The Dublin Morning Register charges Mr. Saurin with having en- couraged, if not ordered the destruction of the Cholera Hospital at_ Black Rock ; and adds, that although informations to that effect had been sworn to, Government refused to prosecute. Mr. Saurin, it seems, had repeatedly complained of the hospital as a nuisance. It was erected near the avenue leading to his house.
There is not the slightest foundation for the report that Sir Henry Parnell intends to decline to stand for the Queen's County at the next
election.— Globe. . .
Within the last few days, an intended tithe meeting at Clonakilty was prevented by the appearance of the Orestes in one of the harbours with which that coast is indented. Indeed, from every thing we eau learn, we believe that Lord Anglesey, if his intentions be not counter- acted by some secret influence, is determined to evince a vigorous dis- position to put down the rebellious spirit that is abroad, by force.— Dublin Evening Mail.
The Cork Reporter says, that at the Blarney Petty Sessions, on Tuesday last week, the informations of Mr. Hodnet, for an assault committed against him by Sir George Bingham, were taken. Mr. Hotinet was bound over to prosecute at the Assizes.
Mr. Richard Marum of Aherny, Queen's County, who acted as land agent to Mr. George Healy, of Violet Hill, in the county Kilkenny, was murdered in a most atrocious manner last week. Mr. Martnn, besides his farm in the Queen's County, held another called Bornefea, in the county Kilkenny, situate within three miles of the Royal Oak. To this he proceeded the week before last, to have some meadows cut down, and for that purpose be engaged mowers from the neighbour- hood. After the first day, they demanded an increase of wages, which was acceded to by their employer. The day after, however, a further rise was demanded ; and being refused, the work was left off. On this Mr. Martins procured mowers from his farm in the Queen's County', and they commenced the work ; but early on Thursday, they were obliged to quit, in consequence of a threatening notice. On the- morning, about ten o'clock, -as Mr. Marum was standing in his crpen- ter's workshop, three fellows, strangers, rushed into the place, having - no disguise whatever on them. • They immediately exclaimed, "You villain, we have you now, and we-have been long looking for you." .
blunderbuss was presented at him ; begged for mercy; but the villain discharged it at his victim, who instantly dropped dead, several slugs having penetrated his brain. The miscreants then beat the body with the but-end of the piece until the features were so defaced that even his own family could scarcely have recognized him.
A reverend gentleman in Oran was lately assisting in putting the body of a patient who died of cholera into the coffin, when a liquid substance was ejected from the stomach of the deceased ; part of which having fallen upon the reverend gentleman's finger, burned it as in- tensely as if the strongest vitriol had been poured on it.—Galtcay Paper.