4 AUGUST 1838, Page 11



afforded for remark. Consols had recovered from 931 to 94, but have again So little business has been doing here, that there is scarcely any rare fallen back to the latter price. The wet weather of the last few days has given rise to some speculations for the fall, iu anticipation that a demand may arise for bullion in consequence of a short harvest causing an extensive impor- tation of foreign corn. Bank Stock has been rather on the advance ; having been done at 207, and India Stock has been firm ; having been quoted at 264 and 2641. Exchequer Bills are rather higher ; the quotation to-day being 73 to 75 prem. In the Foreign Market, we have been literally without any fluc- tuation of importance. The same remark applies to Railway Shares ; all of which have continued nearly at last week's prices, and the transactions in them have been too trifling to require notice. SATIIROAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The prices both of English and Foreign Stocks remain nominally the same as yesterday. The market is thinly attended, and scarcely a bargain has bees effected.

3 per Cent .Consols wit 1 Brarilian 5 per Ceuts

POI 11

Ditto for Ace t 931 i


751 3 per Cent, Reduced 941 I Doi..lt 24 per Cents

541 a

New 34 per Cent. Anus 101i

l',,tagitese Regency 5 p. Cts.

344 5 Bank Stock ItuliaStoek Ditto Bowls

2074 8

264 75 77 Dit to 3 per Cent.

li ti s slat: ( IS22 ) 5 per Cent

Spanish (15351 5 per Cent

:224 }

214 ti

Ex/dimmer Bills 75 76 Deferred Stock 81 1 Belgian 5 per Cents — Passive Ditto 41