Considering all things, these are the best class of the pensions,--the services more palpable; the deaths or deprivations more unquestion- ably owing to the reasons assigned ; the necessities of the parties appa- rently greater, coupled with the interest felt for gentle or noble blood ;
and in short, the claims altogether better-founded. Exceptions of course occur ; as in the case of Lord TYUCONNELL, about which two pages and a half are occupied, amounting to this—He was in the di. plomatic and military service ; acted with the Russian army during the campain of 1812; the severity of the climate and exposure brought on an affection of the lungs, of which he died. From the letters of his colleagues and superiors, he appears to have been much regarded, and his death must have been a heavy blow to his family and friends: but such an occurrence is too common a casualty in war to have been rewarded with family pensions amounting to 1,0451., had it not been tile case of a lord with interest.
Aylmer, Lord, age —; and Aylmer, II. W. F., age 60.-3631.
The origin of this pen-ion is thus stated.
"By King's letter, dated 24ch February 1733, reciting a memorial of Cathe- rine Lady Aylmer, setting forth that Lord Aylmer was confined to his bed with a dreadful Harlan disorder, and that same was induced by the wtetcholaesa of his circumstances; that his family, which consisted of himself, Lady Aylmer, and five children, had but 701. a year for their support, and praying to be placed on the Pension-list ;"—which prayer was granted by the King. In addition to this, Lord AvImen, who has seen much service in the Army, and has a regiment estimated at 1,151)1. a year, writes some- what sorely, and rather in King Cambyses' vein-
" At the time that pension was granted I was very young, and incapable of comprehendin,, the nature and urgency of the circumstances which iuduccd my mother to apply for it, or the considerations which prevailed with the Govel meat of Ire aud of that day to comply with her application. I only know that my father died in embarrassed circumstances ; and I pmaime that the services of my ancestors, and more especially those cf the first Lerd Aylmer. Admiral of the Fleet in the reigns of Queen Anne and King George the First, from whom I am lineally descended, were brought forward and admitted, as giving a just daunt to the favourable considerations of the Crown.
" On the death of icy mother, in the year 1803, the pensions which she had enjoyed descended to tny self and my (then) two surviving brothers, accenting to the terms of the original grant ; but an act of the Pailiament of behind, passed in the year 1800, (40 Get,. Ill. cap. NM having secured to me a ape. vial annuity,' amounting to 6001. (Irish) per annum for my own life, I relin- Vidled my own share of the pension in favour of my brothers ; so that, in point of fact, 1 hive no personal kterest in the issue of the inquiry into the subject of pensions contemplated in your letter. One of my brothers having since died, the whole amount of the pension of 4001. (Irish) per annum is re- t.ived by Rear-Admiral Frederick W. Aylmer, my only surviving brother, who has arrived at bis present rank in the naval service with a reputation bright and tunullied, an honour to his family and his country. " The above is the only information I have the power of furnishing, after the lapse of so many years. on the subject of the inquiry contained in your private circular letter. In doing so, I beg leave to decline the alternative it offers of having this communication considered in the light of a private letter : I have no objection whatever to have its contents submitted to a Committee of the House of Commons; for there is nothing in the subject. in so far as myself and family are concerned, of which either I or they have cause to be ashamed. If, indeed, my reflections on that sulliect should at any time call a blush into my cheeks, it would not, believe me, Sir, be the blush -of shame at the thought of having my private affeirs made the theme of discussion before a Committee of the House of Commons."
Arnold, James Robertson, and William Fitch ; ages 57 and 44.-1621. Sons of the late General Arnold, who had received several wounds in the ser- vice, and had been crippled fur Ida; General Arnold had also suffered losses in consequence of the results of the American war.
How much better to have told the plain tale. ARNOLD was one of the earliest and ablest of the Colonial Generals in the American wear; to whom BURGOYNE and his army were compelled to surrender at Saratoga. He subsequently deserted the service ; and but for the untoward arrest of the ill fated A NIME, who was negotiating the bust. nes% might have ended the war, by betraying the posts he commanded and the army in which he served to the English. Without passing any judgment on ARNOLD'S morality, we admit that his sons are entitled to the pension.
In the following case, Mrs. A1ORTIMF.R'S letter was read by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to the House of Commons; so that we cannot make it more public. It is a little autobiography, touching in some of its allusions, giving glimpses of female struggles through a hued world, and refitted by religious resignation. The unpaid arrears of the pensions in PITT'S time is a curious fact.
Carey, Lavinia tIolilda, and Amelia Sophia ; ages6,7 and Daughters of the late Ilimuurable Gmeral Carey, who fell while command- ing the troops in the West Indies. The following letter was laid before the Committee on the part of the first of ',bete ladies.
Vienna, llth .Tanaary 1038. " Sir—Living. on accoant of the smallness or my income. in the mod lei ir,d manner
:It the above place. I have walking to nffcr in jastifie ohm or the liberty I take in ail- dresdng sou, but the Wham:ohm 1 have received through the medium of the news- papers, that all of that ilespitaal and degraded class rebel peti,ioners are desired to send to yea, Sir. as Chancellor of the Et:clearer, an accoant of their several claims to the pensions they have hitherto received. Tatting it then fur granted, that I ant rightly infmnied.1 beg your Imtience to the entorced recital My father. the litmourahle General ',twins Fentitiand Carey. commanded at the taking of the Island of St. Item t he French. in the year ENE awl died of his w minds ott the thy of its capture. The pettiion which was granted to his daughters was mot obtained throagh the favour of any Minister, bet Was given by the voice of Parliament and the consent of oar ever respected Sovereign George the TIM 41 : it consisted of SOL each, and was be- stowed as some small renomeration for the incalculable tnils which fell ono!' a flintily iorant daughters by tbe hiss of a father jest as Inc became able to provide 101' 1111.111— by t he loss or protection and all the comforts of a fittlier's house. Nor did the wide-spreading mil cod here : the neglected, almost as if I t high awl rich comma- Woe) unacknowledged children. in process or time became pat rimless Noma: women, without friends, protector, or introduction ; ant, to make the measure of their afllic.. lion quite net were dela ked or their rank as viscount's laughers, by the premature death or their parent, and left to wander about the world in helpless degratlatien, 111111 linreethilla neatly allied to a ant. I must not, however, this melancliele tomme- I al lots to make me forget that which I must ever committer still% gratitude; VIZ that Ibis IM•11Si011, which ill these de or times foroishes one V11111 I it more dour daily bread, and ()lidos me, to obtain that, to live in banishment, seas yet the meal's or procuring me that religious and solid education, adapted to my fortunes. which has enabled me to hear IV against all the sorrows of them. . I have indeed a lijOyed it long, perhaps the gentlemen or the Committee will think too long : but that has been the will of God. and not my faith : and it is true that. as it is my only sesoacce. I sl hl be glad to retain it if I can he alh■Well SO to (10 with hunitar and without reproach, HA 10 receive it pith th of dignified thookre Mess with o !deb the daughter of an tisettilly brave British officer may accept a national testimony of her father's deserts. Bat if this valuta/ be. and Ids services are considered as having beet, lung renittumated, why thett. Sir, I can cheerfully resigo that which I shall hope may lessen the dis- tress of some younger and weaker child of affliction: and bring, by God's bless- ing, able, both in laxly and mind, to seek my own subsistettee in the aster:alion oP the ehildren of some more furtiluate family, as I nits obliged to do in Mr. Piles time. wlim the pensions were at times time five, or six quarters in arrears, m .y. perhaps, [no on answer to the quarterly question of my mind. whether such wages as I should then receive for my honest sera ice ware not MOM 11013011W/1e than the degrading reception of a pension so grudgingly bestowed. Leaviug this weighty matter. under year sanel Ma. in the !lauds and choice or the geutlemen of Ills Committee, 1 beg leave to subscribe myself, Address. "Sir, sour obedient 'tumble servant, ged • ',WIWI A M/11111.UA CARtY Mowramsa, Mrs. Carey Mortimer, at Messrs. CO111114.14, "
The following are curious as hints recalling old times—links con. nesting the present with a past generation.
13rereton. Mary ; age 89.-401. Niece of Captain Brereton. of the Royal Navy, who served for twelve years without intermission in the East ladies: he was at the reduction of Manilla. and was appointed•Chief of the squadron left to defend it, and Governor of the fort of Cavatta. He advanced claims for payment of certain expenses incurred in hiscommand. At his decease this pension was granted. Francillon, Sarah ; Calvert, Diana Anne A nrtie; and Webber, Stacy ; ages 83, 68, and . —631.
Sisters of Major Pierson, who fell in defence of Jersey. [There is a well- known print of his death, falling at the head of his men whom he was leading on to the charge.] Mackay, Flora ; age 65.-49/. Daughter of Major Al•Leoil, who raised a regiment in North Carolina, at the head of which he distinguished himself in the rebellion (American we): pre- viuusly he hail been Lieutenant of Alarinea, awl had signalized himself at the re- duction of Manilla, Canada, Newfimiolland, Cape Breton, &c. Ilia wife carried despatches between the contending parties during the heat of the American war, at the risk of her life. This lady's three brothers fell on the field of battle. This lady is granddaughter of the celebrated Flora 11•Donald. Maitland, Frances Jane ; age 54.-49/. One of the ten daughters of Mr. P. Maitland, who aerved for many years is the Dragoons, during the reigns of George the Second and George the Third, with the former of whom he had served iu the field.
Stewart, Grace ; age 63.-491. Only surviving daughter of Major General Stewart, who carried colours at the battle of Minden; served for the remainder of the war ; served in the Ame- rican war as Brigadier•Gerieral ; commarided at the battle of Utoiae, where General Green was defeated ; Way severely wounded. and had three homes killed under him ; served with the army in Holland, and, from the fatigue he underwent, caught a dysentery, was sent home, and died within three days after his arrival in Loudon. (A larye pension!)
There is nothing more to be said upon this head, than that the Am. bsssndorial pensions are of the nature of retired allowance, after the enjoyment of a good gallery; but they do not seem worse the the
regular Diplomatic pensions of that period. The Consular pensions, being granted to plebeians, are of a less questionable kind.
THE JUDICIAL AND LEGAL PENSIONS Are mostly granted to little-known Scotch and Irish Judges, or sub- ordinate officers. A few are given to more distinguished men, whose means were straitened. It is probable that the former were often local jobs, if we could get at the particulars. Here is the excuse for Lord GIFFORD'S pension.
Gifford, Lord ; age 21.—1 2F21.
Son of the late Sir Robert Gifford : when Attorney-General he was offered the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, with the promise of the Mastership of the Rolls, on a vacancy, with a Peerage, and to sit on appeals in the House
of Lords. The inalleyeacy of his private fortune compelled him to decline this offer ; but he was answered, that his services in the Howie of Lords were indispensable, and that his son should be provided for. On his death, in 1826, this pension was granted. Baron Alderson says, " If ever man was killed by labour, Lord Gifford was ; I speak it of my own personal knowledge."
When Government want a favour, they give 1,200/. a year for it. Mark the miserable pittances they grant to the prayer of a nation-171. a piece!
Griffith, Win. D., Mary Elizabeth, Henry A., Charlotte. George, Charles, Arthur II., Anne and Walter H. ; ages 31, 41, 40, 33, 35, 29, 27, 42, and 43—each 171 —153/.
Grandchildren of the late fluseey Burgh, Chief Baron of the Irish Exche quer. On the 16th of October 1783, the late Mr. Grattan called the attention of the Irish House of Commons to the premature death of Chief Baron Burgh. He stated that that event had inflicted too deep a wound on the community at large and on the House to require any additional colouring from him : he added, that the circumstances of the late Chief Baron were, at the time of his death, in- adequate to his station ; four daughters and a son being left unprovided for, and his many virtues and public services demanding that his children ehould he con. sidered the children of the public. TWA address was supported by Mr. Yelver- ton. Mr. Yelverton (afterwards Lent Avontnore) stated, that lie knew not in what character the life of the late Chief Baron was most admirable, whether in his private or public character ; as the humane advocate for the unfortunate, the tender husband and father, or as a judge the dispenser of impartial justice tempered with clemency. The address was unanimously voted, in consideration "of the integrity and ability of the lute lord Chief Baron on the seat of justice, and for the services which he had dune his country." The parties among whom this pension is distributed, in proportions of 17/. each, arc his grand- children, the childien of an officer who had served io the Rebellion of 179S.
Do not differ in any important degree from those for Clete SER- VICES, unless it be in the amount granted. To the following pension of Mrs. BATHURST there is appended a long rigmarole about the resig- nation of her brother Lord SIDMOUTH'S pension, and that of her son. We give the pith of the matter.
Bathurst. Charlotte ; age 76.-9001. Out of this a 600/. has been granted in reversion to her four daughters. This lady is the widow of the late Right Honourable Charles Bathurst, who was twenty-five years in the public service, as Chairman of the Ways and Means, Treasurer of the Navy, Secretary at War, Master of the Mint, Presi- dent of the Board of Control, and Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancaster. These two last offices be filled, with a seat in the Cabinet. Mr. Bathurst, on retiring from office, at the age of seventy, did not receive any pension for his own services, but a provision of 900/. was settled upon his wife and daughters.
The meaning of this is, that for twenty-five years Mr. Bernerter received salaries, varying from 2,000/. to 3,000/. or 4,0001. a year. Having pocketed full 100.000/. of the public money, he retires at the age of seventy, quarters his wife upon the Exchequer for 9001. a year, and his daughters after her death for 6001. a year. Now see how the daughter of a less liberally remunerated but highly efficient public ser- vant, not a Baettunse, is provided for with 431. a year.
Crofton, Frances ; aged 40.-431.
Only surviving (laughter of the late Mr. Crofton, for mote than thirty-six years a public servant in the Irish Treasury. His merits and services were stated in the House of Commons on the 10th of June 1816, by Mr. Vesey Fitz. gerald, then Chancellor of the Exchequer, and by the Right Honourable Sir John Newport.
The following extract is taken from the debate of Public Revenue Consolida- tion Bill, June 10, 1816. Mi. Fitzgerald said, " As to one of those officers, (a gentleman holding the highest rank among them, Mr. Crofton.) his advanced time of life made it impossible to hope for his services in England, or even in his own country, in un office more eminent, such as lie was qualified to fill. That gentleman had been more than thirty-six years in the public service; and a man of higher honour, of integrity more spotless, of a fidelity more distin- guished, or of an equal zeal in the public service, he hail never known." Sir John Newport was anxious to express his entire concurrence in what had fallen from the right honourable gentleman respecting Mr. Crofton. He was convinced that there was not in England, in Ireland, or in any other country, a better or more efficient public officer than that gentleman.
Bradshaw, Lawrence ; age 70.-921. Augustus II. ; age .-921. This is one of the earliest pensions upon the list, having been granted prior to 1734. he late Thomas Bradshaw, Esq., filled t he offices of Secretary to the Treasury and Lord of the Admiralty ; he died suddenly in 1774. The circum- stances of the family induced the Minister to recommend his children to the consideration of the Crown a pension of 500/. per annum to the willow, and 1001. wealth of the three youngest children, was accordingly granted. The widow is now dead ; two of the children survive. The last-named of these two pensions has been resigned ; the other is continued ; the age of the pensioner is seventy.
Had the gentlemen of the Committee tasked their reading, they might have given a better account. The father is no doubt the " Tommy Bradshaw" of JUNIUS. Besides the then very lucrative offices enumerated in the Report, he had a pension of 1,50(1/. a year on the Four-and-a.half per Cents. He was originally clerk to a contractor, and next got a small place in the War-office; whence he rose, by the arts of intrigue and the practice of a political go-between, to the situa- tions he eventually filled. He appears to have displayed in his living the ostentatious extravagance of a parvenu; whence his "circum- stances " at his death.
Hyde, George Hooton ; age .-481. This pension was originally granted to the ancestor of the present holder, on aloe 31st July 1659. The royal warrant states the grant to have been made in consideration of good and faithful services performed to the Crown. Those ser- vices are stated by the present holder to have beeu assistance given at the time of the Refutation, in the conveyance of despatches.
The following is perhaps the ostensible blemish of the list. Listed of reverting so abruptly to Sir GEORGE MURRAY'S inapplicable ser. vices, the Committee might have narrated the courtship.
Murray, Lady Louisa; age 61.-509/. Granted in consideration of the personal regard of their late Majesties King George the Third and Queen Charlotte for Lady Louisa Murray. The highly. distinguished military services of Sir George appear in the following official memorandum.
" Sir George Murray entered the Army in 1789 ; lie served the campaign in Holland and Flanders in 1793, and was engaged in the affair at St. Amapa, the battle of Famars, the siege of Valenciennes, the attack of Lineelles, the is vestment of Dunkerque, and the attack of Lannay. " In 1794.5, he was in the retreat from Flanders through Holland and Ger. many, and seas present ut the affair at Boatel' and others during the move. ment." [The catalogue is continued in detail to Sir George's latest military and civil employments.] PENSIONS FOR LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC EMINENCE. It is probable that the more eminent names in this class, whose claims were too well known to require explanation, and whose places upon the Pension• list were matters of' such jubilation at the time of the grant, were not troubled with the circulars of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. It seems more likely, that such "a foolish enumeration" as is appended to their pensions, was not sent to the Committee by themselves, but was drawn up by some official gentlemen of afford taste, who could not see the effect that contrast would have given to mere naked n.:mes. A pair of samples.
Faraday, Michael; age .-3001.
Have nothing very peculiar. Some go back to the American wry
and were granted for struggling against the "rebels." i
The ROYAL. FAMILY and MISCELLANEOUS lists contain, we imagins_ the oldest pensions in being.
Dick, Ann ; age 80.-97/.
Descendant of Sir William Dick, who in the time of Chatles the First and the Commonwealth is stated to have advanced large sums to the Government. This pension has been renewed on several occasions to his descendants. Doren, Patty ; age .-1001. Colonel Fouhert, a French Protestant. The ancestor of this pensioner, invited to England by Charleethe Second, to establish a riding academy; and, it is stated, advanced considerable sums towards the building. An heredit4ry appointment of master of the academy, with emoluments, was eetablished. In 1780, the office was abolished ; and in eonsideration of such abolition, a pee Rion of 500/. was granted to the mother of the present pensioner, on whole death the present reduced pension of 1001. was granted.
Beaumont, Anne Smith ; age .-401. This pension originated in the services rendered by an ancestor of this patty, Penewick, who assisted Charles the Second in his escape after the battle of Worcester.
The celebrated chemist ; author of "Chemical Manipulation," of various papers published in the •' Philosophical Transactions,' and in the " Quarterly Journal of Scienee," and " Philosophical Magazine ;" corresponding member of the Acatronie Royale de Science, Institute de France, the Society of Medical Chemistry at Ririe, the Paris Philoniathic Society, the Berlin ligyal Academy of Science, of the Palermo Aimileiny of Science, Pat is Royal Acair my of Medi. clue, Frankfurt Philosophical Society, Basle Natural History Society, foreign member of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, the Gottingen Royal Society, the Modena Society of Science, honorary member of the Cambridge Philos°. phical Society, the Bristol Institution, the Cambrian Society, Swansea; the Edinburgh Society of Arta, the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Science, the Paris Society of Physical Science, of the Hull Literary and Philosophical Society, the Institute of British Architects, the Edinburgh Royal Society, the London Medico.Chirurgical Society, the Lisbon Society of Pharmacy, member of the Copenhagen Royal Society of Science, fellow of the Heillelburg Society for Natural Science, and the American Academy of Arts and Science, Boston; corresponding associate of the Imperial and Royal Acadetny of Florence, Dana of Civil Law, Oxford ; fellow of the Royal Society, member of the Senate of the University of London, Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution. Southey, Robert; age 63.-4551. Author of " Joan of Arc," Thalaba," " Madoc," Keliama," " Roderic," and various other poetical work( ; of " The Life of Nelson," "The Chro. niche—;" " Letters ;" of " The Life of Wesley ;" of the history of Brazil," " The Book of the Church, Vindiene Ercleshe Anglicatee," " The Hie tory of the Peninsular War," "Moral and Political Essays," " Naval History of England," " Colloquies on the Prost ess and Prospects of Society," and the Life of Cowper ;" Poet Laureate ; member of the Royal Spanish Academy, the Royal Spanish Academy of History, the Royal Institute of the Netherlands, the Cymmilorion, the Massachusets Historical Society, the Royal Irish Academy, the Bristol Philosophical and Literary Society, the Metropoli- tan Institution, the Philoinathic Institution, the Banff Literary. Society, the Royal Society of Literature, the American Antiquarian Soviet), the Rhode land Historical Society, the Royal Soeiety of Northern Antiquities, Copen- hagen; the Lawrenceville Lyceum, West Penniywatita. If these really are the productions of FARADAY and Soterues, we must indicate our opinion under the shelter of GIBBON. " I corre- sponded," says the historian, "on similar topics with the celebrated Professor MATTHEW GESNER, of the University of Gottingen. But his abilities might possibly be decayed : his elaborate letters were feeble and prolix ; and when I asked his proper direction, the vain old man covered half a sheet of paper with a foolish enumeratiou of his titles and offices."
There is nothing under these two heads sufficiently striking to re- quire extract in our present coup &ail. The pensions for Forfeited Estates are mostly pittances to persons whose ancestors were attainted during the rebellions in favour of the house of STUART, and whose property was sold before political hostility passed away and mercy restored it. The financial moral of which seems to be, sell a traitor's estate immediately.