The celebration in Paris of the " three glorious days
of July," (the 28th, 29th, and 30th,) did not pass off without a tumult. The second day is consecrated to the memory of the heroes who fell in the struggle: funeral servicea are performed in all the churches; and at the Louvre, the Champ de Mars, and other public places, new flags have been planted. But a party of young men, chiefly tailors, and mixed with them spies, Policemen, and National Guards, went in procession to the different places where the dead were buried, to " drop a garland and a tear on their graves." After the garlands had been deposited on the graves near the Louvre, a young man commenced a violent speech against Louts PHILIP. A Policeman ordered him to desist ; some of his friends shouted "go on!" he recommenced, and was collared; his friends tried to rescue him, and a scuttle began. The spies declared themselves; the door of the gallery of the Louvre was opened ; and a host of Municipal Guards and Police- men issued forth. The Republicans rushed towards the railing which surrounds the burial-ground ; but were repulsed by a body of soldiers with bayonets. Some of the ringleaders were then easily captured, and the rest dispersed.
On the day before, the Police discovered a secret manufactory of cartridges and arms. Many arrests have taken place; and the state of Paris is represented as very uncomfortable. The Abbi!! DE LA MENNAIS received a domiciliary visit. The Republicans are supposed to be all known to the Government, who keep a
large number of spies in pay. Constant precautions arc taken to preserve the King from assassination. The axletree of his car-
riage broke on Monday in the Champs Elysi:es ; and it was said that both Louts PHILIP and the Duke of ORLEANS, who was with him, received severe contusions. The King, however, did not change colour ; but, with his usual coolness, stepped into an- other carriage in his suite, and proceeded to Neuilly.