The latest accounts from Canada reach to the 9th of
July. Lord Duenam had formed his Special Council ; consisting of Admiral Sir CHARLES PAGET, General Sir JAMES MACOONNELL, Colonel GREY, Colonel COUPER, and Mr. CHARLES BUI.LeR. The Governor, in pursuance of an " ordinance" passed by that body, issued a proclamation banishing WOLPRED NELSON and his fellow prisoners at Montreal, who had " confessed their treasons," to Ber- muda,and PAPINEAU and the other leaders in the late revolt who had absconded, to the same island ; none of theta to return to Canada without permission, on pain of death. The persons engaged in the murder of Lieutenant WEIR are excepted from this mitiga- tion of punishment. To all others a free pardon is ott3red. FRED NELSON and his companions were sent to Bermuda in the Vesta frigate, which left Quebec on the 3d of July : they ap- peared to be in very good spirits. The Orange party were much dissatisfied with what they called the undue clemency to the rebels. The Governor-General, however, was becoming popular.
In Upper Canada, the disturbers of the peace continued to give trouble, but were in no respect formidable to the Go- vernment.