4 AUGUST 1849, Page 1

Continental affairs still tantalize those who watch the appear- ance

of changes ever coming and ever deferred. In France, the President is making a tour of the provinces, in a manner that re- news the whispers of a coup d'etat. An intention is ascribed to him of taking Strasburg in his way, in the hope that the cry of " Vive l'Empereur I" may be raised in that town and give the cue to France. But he would hardly approach so near a burlesque reminiscence. The quieter order of true Republicans are said to be considering the expediency of joining in a coup d'etat in fa- vour of Prince Louis Napoleon ; but with what result we hear not. The Pope has not yet left Gaeta, but his intention to do so is announced almost every day. Meanwhile, Garibaldi is doing something near Arezzo with his free corps. In Hungary, the Magyars are unquestionably making bead against the Austrians and Russians ; a decided progress which has given rise to rumours, this week, that the Emperor had made overtures of peace : but that report appears to be untrue.