The Berlin papers add to the reported successes of the
Magyars in the South, that they have crossed the Danube and seized on the city of Mo- hacs; and that they have forced the passage of the Theiss and occupied Semlin. If the latter report be true, the Magyars are now masters of the whole river frontier from Kalocsa South of Pesth through Belgrade to Oreova; an immense commercial advantage in relation to war stores.
The Vienna correspondent of the Times writes—" The movements in Turkish Croatia are increasing in extent and violence; and the desire of the Turkish Croats to join their Austrian brethren in a Croat kingdom, under Baron Jellachich, becomes daily more manifest."
The King of Prussia finds leisure for literary amenities-
" Preparations are being made," says the Berlin correspondent of the Morning Chronicle," under the King's auspices, for celebrating with becoming solemnity the centenary anniversary of Goethe's birthday, (28th of August.) The fes- tival will last three days. The mornings will be occupied with readings, inau- gurations of busts, and concerts; the afternoons by dinners; and the evenings by representations of the immortal'writer's productions at the great theatre. This festival will attract to Berlin many of the roost eminent literati of Germany. The venerable Humboldt is at the head of the committee, which consists of the most illustrious men of the capital."