4 AUGUST 1849, Page 10

The Grand Duke of Tuscany has returned to his dominions.

He land- ed at Viareggio on the 25th of July; on the following day he went to Lucca, where he was to remain for two days; on the 27th he was to make his solemn entrance into Florence. He was received everywhere by the people with marks of respect and affection.

The King of Sardinia opened the Legislative Chamber on the 1st in- stant. His speech was " moderate ": it was well received, and the King was warmly greeted.

From Vienna, letters of the 29th July state that Baron Metzbnrg, Se- cretary of Legation, had arrived from Milan with "the Sardinian treaty." They add—" The conditions of peace brought by this messenger have been eigned.by the Austrian and Sardinian Plenipotentiaries, and are now sub- mitted to the Sohwarzenburg Cabinet for ratification. Radetzky approves the treaty, and the Court of Turin accepts it; and the ratification might be supposed to follow as a matter of course, but for a little change which has just taken place here." The little change alluded to is the entry of Schmerling into the Cabinet as Minister of Justice.