We believe we are correct in stating that her Majesty
will not pro- rogue Parliament in person. It is not probable that her Majesty will visit London before her departure for Paris, and it is most lately that she will proceed direct from Osborne to Boulogne on the 17th. We be- lieve that the Earl of Clarendon will be the Secretary of State in attend- ance on her Majesty on the occasion. As regards the day of the proro- gation, nothing at present can be said decisively, but the last vote in Supply has been taken, the Appropriation Bill will be introduced tonight, (Friday,) and with a day sitting tomorrow it is not impossible that the remaining business may be disposed of, so as to admit of the termination of the session, if not on Saturday the llth instant, at all eventa on the following Monday.— Globe, August 3.
The Second Hanoverian Chamber has just been "definitively dissolved by a Royal decree."
"Important news," says a despatch from Dantzic, dated yesterday, "may now be daily expected. The Princess Alice has arrived. When she left Nargen the whole fleet was there ready for action."
General Letang has gone from Paris to Vienna, carrying, it is said, a letter from the Emperor of the French to the Emperor of Austria. It is stated that the Empress Dowager of Russia some time since wrote a letter to the Archduchess Sophia, with a view to the restoration of peace. Whereupon the Emperor of Austria communicated with the Emperor Napoleon. General Letang, late French military commissioner at Vienna, bears back the answer. Such is the story.