EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The storm and consequent floods on Monday have had disastrous effects in Poplar, especially in the Isle of Dogs district. The neighbourhood is a poor one; many are out of employment, and numbers of the very poorest have lost everything in the floods. When the storm burst, the sewage rapidly rushed up through the drains into the dwellings to a depth of several feet (over six feet in some cases). There was no time to save anything,—bedding, furniture, clothing, and food were in a few moments floating about in a sea of filthy sewage matter, and were in many cases utterly destroyed. The subsidence of the flood, also, has left in their homes a horrible black, evil-smelling deposit.
It is only six' weeks since the district was visited with a similar flood of sewage, and the condition of these poor people is a pitiable one, and unless something is quickly done for their relief, disease and death must in many cases inevitably ensue. The number of sufferers, and the hopelessness and helplessness of their condition, are appalling. Poor, and often out of work, they cannot help themselves, and we make an earnest appeal on their behalf to the charitable public to assist us with means to help them to tide over this period of distress. The state of the dwellings of the people is such that a large and immediate distribution of coal is an absolute neces- sity, and has already commenced. It will be requisite also to supply other necessaries in many cases, and so far as funds will permit, some of the clothing, bedding, and furniture destroyed will be replaced. A local working relief committee has been formed, and is at work. We shall be glad to receive contribu- tions, which will, without any expense of management, be devoted exclusively to the relief of the sufferers.—We are, Sir, &c.,
SYDNEY C. BUXTON, M.P., 15 Eaton Place, S.W. ; WILLIAM CLARK (senior Churchwarden), Poplar Town Hall, E. (Treasurer) ; F. E. DUCKHAM, C.E., Millwall Docks, E.; JAMES CHADBURN, Trinity Parsonage, Poplar, E. ; F. M. CORNER, M.D., Manor House, Poplar, E.; MURRAY LESLIE, M.D., Cubitt Town, E.
P.S.—The distress is great and the sufferers numerous, and it will be necessary to raise a considerable sum to afford adequate relief. Contributions will be. thankfully received by any of the. above.