(To ran Enema or ens " SPECTATOR."1 SIR.—With reference to a letter under this heading from " Zero " in your issue of July 28th, which I have just read with considerable amazement, in reply I will not trespass upon your valuable space beyond asking two questions: (1) What would the writer of this letter alluded to think of our gallant soldiers at the front risking their all if they were to plead that as there is no "Government policy of protection" they reserve to themselves the right of "settling down in leisurely inactivity "? And: (2) What must be the opinion of these soldiers when they read of one "full of enthusiasm and invention," and with tho apparent ability to assist his country with gravely needed financial support, who has decided to spend his time in "gardening and literature" rather than take a problematical risk, and by scodoing admit that the Government by his action will be deprived of "a good many golden eggs "? If this were the prevailing spirit of those engaged in commerce, the results to our country would be disastrous.—